Narrow Range

The Bulls and Bears could not agree on much yesterday except to hold price a narrow range, In fact, an inside day. An inside day is when one day’s range (lows and highs) are inside the previous days (lows and h1ighs). The one-hour SPY chart shows hoe price pulled back into the T-Bands, tested the red line and close above the blue line. All that went on while the price was simply in a narrow inside day range on the daily chart. Yesterday’s close still had a bullish tilt with four bars above the green line and no bearish signal. The wall of worry is still climbing higher. My Friday gameplan is to take a few base hits and then make sure the grille has gas, and the fridge has a few cold beers in it. It’s time for the first grass mowing this year. We love our job, have a great weekend everyone!

Friday’s base hit plan. With the help of the LTA Scanner Alerts, this week I was able to enter: NVDA up 34% and TGT up 32%. I plan on a running a few bases today with about $1000.00. Seriouslly do you want to take the next step in improve your trading? 👇

HRC Road To Wealth Mentoring

Mentoring with Rick Saddler: The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns. Read More

Hey, are you looking for the best money making tool in trading? Well, I found it and use it!! The Live Trading Alerts Scanner. I have about four terrific scans. Get it downloaded and I will be glad to work with you privately to get it set up.

✅ Trade-Ideas for consideration, All Trade Ideas came from the LTA Live Trading Alert Scanner. Ya it’s Friday no trade ideas. Do your work, work your plan. Always have a plan. The LTA Scanner is available for members at a discounted price of $97/per mo. Also available for non-members at $147/per mo. The Most Important Tool You Can Have

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Be Prepared China Meeting

Be Prepared the china deal getting close. Maybe the meeting today between Trump and Chinas Vice Premier today will be a market mover, be ready. Six lower highs for the SPY, price action above the trend line, V-Stop is green, Price action is above a three T-Bands, almost seem to goo to be true. Price action did tag the $287 number that I spoke of a few days ago. The next number will be $291 if the bulls can hold together. Yesterday’s candle is not what we wanted to see and a weak close could bring the bears back out. Pay attention to price action.

Yesterday we hit the ball and ran a few bases. One was HD, and one was MU. HD was an easy standup run for 57% while on MU we had to slide in for a 43% run. Not a bad game, let get the gang together and play again today. Want to be a member of HRC and free f LTA training with Rick? Heres your chance.👇

HRC Road To Wealth Mentoring

Mentoring with Rick Saddler: The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns. Read More

Hey, are you looking for the best money making tool in trading? Well, I found it and use it!! The Live Trading Alerts Scanner. I have about four terrific scans. Get it downloaded and I will be glad to work with you privately to get it set up.

✅ Trade-Ideas for consideration, All Trade Ideas came from the LTA Live Trading Alert Scanner. BIDU, CRON, WY, NXST, NKE, MOMO, ZAYO, MDLZ, SQ. Do your work, work your plan. Always have a plan. The LTA Scanner is available for members at a discounted price of $97/per mo. Also available for non-members at $147/per mo. The Most Important Tool You Can Have

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Cautiously Bullish

Futures are up, and $287 is becoming more of a reality on the SPY. Tuesday was a day of rest for the market while Monday was a huge bull day. The wall of worry is still intact as price slowly crawls higher. If we don’t micromanage the hard right edge and every little blip the wall is easier to climb. The trend can be one of the best tools in your toolbox; the trend keeps price action honest and helps traders decide if the chart has gone from good to bad or bad to good. Two important tools after the alert system I use is Price Action (Candlesticks) and Trend. With the T2122 chart in the overbought area, we are cautiously bullish and always remind ourselves to look for the base hits by profiting into strength.

HRC Road To Wealth Mentoring

Mentoring with Rick Saddler: The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns. Read More

Hey, are you looking for the best money making tool in trading? Well, I found it and use it!! The Live Trading Alerts Scanner. I have about four terrific scans. Get it downloaded and I will be glad to work with you privately to get it set up.

Trade-Ideas for consideration: M, WY, TTWO, MDLZ, FLR, ARE. Do your work, work your plan. Always have a plan/

Live Trading Alerts News

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Price Above T-Line

The SPY gapped over our Green T-Band Line and held pretty well yesterday on its way to challenge the $287 area providing the bulls can get another run put together. The 50-SMA has crossed over the 200-SMA (Golden Cross) and may put the fire back in the belly of the SPY. Price action has also put together a Bullish Inverted Head and Shoulders the past 6-7 months. The black and red dotted T-Line can provide traders with a clear path to whether the buyers or sellers are in control, if your in the trade should you be out or should you be buying. The SPY T-Line has flipped from red to green, now practice patience for the entry set up. If you need help with the T-Line, please let us know. Hi, this is Rick Saddler, the creator of the T-Line. Tonight Tuesday, April 2, 2019, is our member’s get together a webinar, and I will be sharing a few T-Line tricks with you.

HRC Road To Wealth Mentoring

Mentoring with Rick Saddler: The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns. Read More

Hey, are you looking for the best money making tool in trading? Well, I found it and use it!! The Live Trading Alerts Scanner. I have about four terrific scans. Get it downloaded and I will be glad to work with you privately to get it set up.

Trade-Ideas for consideration: BHGE, XRAY, AXP, NBR, MO, WY, ATVI, IVZ, IPGP. Do your work, work your plan. Always have a plan/

Live Trading Alerts News

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Pre-Market Sweet

Kellogg and Keebler near a deal and China report unexpected growth in March. It looks like a new fire has been lite under the market. Pre-market up 170 points plus while I am writing the blog. With positive trading today and a positive close the $287.00 area would make a nice target for the SPY. Friday price closed near the Green upper T-Line Band which suggests the buyers where bullish going into Friday’s close. The SPY closed Friday below red V-Stops, a breakout today would flip the dot to green. The near term on the SPY the bulls would love to capture $287.00 then $293.00ish, of course, the bulls will need to push through resistance and maintain a tradable trend. Stay cautious and nimble and remember an important key to trading success is profits, think base hits and the runs will come in.

HRC Road To Wealth Mentoring

Mentoring with Rick Saddler: The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns. Read More

Hey, are you looking for the best money making tool in trading? Well, I found it and use it!! The Live Trading Alerts Scanner. I have about four terrific scans. Get it downloaded and I will be glad to work with you privately to get it set up.

Trade-Ideas for consideration: HD, CSCO, JNJ, ATVI, WAIR, NVDA, SNAP, YUMC, ZEN, DLTR, DHR. Do your work, work your plan. Always have a plan/

Live Trading Alerts News

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Going to The Beach House

Cold beer, fishing pole, I love my job

Fridays are a great day to count your money and head to the Beach House. Yesterday. The SPY had a little late day action closing off it’s low and still within the chop zone of the T-Line Bands. Note the Bull or Bear story is told once the price has broken one way or the other and confirmed. I hear this morning that China is upon trade news, this could be positive for the marker or is it already baked in the charts? We closed our (T) for a nice little base hit yesterday, still holding (KO) for 16% and XOP for 12%. Yesterday we had six trade ideas for consideration and today they all 6 look great! You can find them in a yesterdays blog post.

Hey, are you looking for the best money making tool in trading? Well, I found it and use it!! The Live Trading Alerts Scanner. I have about four terrific scans. Get it downloaded and I will be glad to work with you privately to get it set up.

HRC Road To Wealth Mentoring

Mentoring with Rick Saddler: The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns.

Trade-Ideas for consideration: It’s Friday no trade ideas, have a fantastic weekend

Live Trading Alerts News

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

The Flag Has Not Moved

Pretty choppy day yesterday in the SPY, both the Buyers and Seller were only half trying to move the flag. Price action closed above the Red Lower T-Line Band and closed below the Green Upper T-Line Band. Our 34-ema trend line is on the bullish side of the dividing line; the conclusion is the SPY is still on the bullish side of the trend. The VIX has been feeling pretty good lately; now with a low/high – higher low in place and a possible bullish Inverted Head and Shoulder forming, this is a clue to be a little cautious. We bought (T) AT&T on the 19th currently up 25.5%, T was both an RBB and T-Line Band auto alert from LTA- Live Trading Alerts. (KO) Coke is another, entered on the 25th from the T-Line Band Auto Alert.

HRC Road To Wealth

The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns.

Trade-Ideas for consideration: GG, PG, JNJ, WAIR, NVDA, CSCO

Live Trading Alerts News


Took 20% on WIX puts! Thank you LTA- Live Trading Alerts

Jerry G.


I have hit for over $300 this morning using your LTA scanner, I think I have found my niche!

Coach B.

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Teamwork and Four Sisters

A mixed bag of trading lately, both longs and shorts are working. This goes to show you the indecision and lack of conviction and teamwork with the four sisters. Let’s take a look at the T-Line Bands trending direction in the SPY, DIA’s IWM and QQQ’s. You can see both the SPY and the QQQ’s are trending up while both the DIA’s and the IWM charts are trending down. Two charts not show is the VT and VTI, both are barely in a bullish trend. The point I am trying to make is the market is a bit flustered with subjects like Recession, Feds, World economy, Politics, Trade war, Earnings. Here are a few solid trading tips: Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies.  Think before you trade, plan your trade and trade your plan. If that is confusing for you, let us know maybe we can help.

HRC Road To Wealth

The Road to Trading Wealth can take several different paths; it’s important to find what works for you. The Trend, Price Action, Candlesticks, Chart patterns, Support and Resistance, and Strategies is the map we use to stay on the Road To Trading Wealth. Patterns and Strategies such as The Rounded Bottom breakout, The Continuation Pattern, Trending, T-Line Bands, and the Red Green Strategies are a few of our favorites. Patterns like J-Hooks, Pop Out of The Box, The Oreo, The Fig Newton, Candlesticks are some of our favorite patterns.

Trade-Ideas for consideration: COTY, EA, FDC, GG, HES, QCOM, ROKU, SEE, W

Live Trading Alerts News


Took 20% on WIX puts! Thank you LTA- Live Trading Alerts

Jerry G.


I have hit for over $300 this morning using your LTA scanner, I think I have found my niche!

Coach B.

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Love The Job Of Trading

You have to love the job of trading, one day like yesterday the SPY closes the day with a bear controlled candle, then you wake up the next day, and the futures look as if the bulls are going to have a great day. (Love the job of trading). Yesterday the SPY closed with a Doji using the 34-ema as the moving average support, so far so good but the price action today will need to show that the Bulls have staying power. Yesterday’s Doji also closed right at the Lower Red T-Band. (See chart). It is clearly obvious the SPY struggles to keep even one leg over the $280ish wall. With the VIX showing Bullish activity and the DIA’s and IWM showing weakness, this market is filled with sharks circling looking for dinner. Cash is a good position sometimes when there is a lack of clarity, but if you are trading use the trends, price action (Candlesticks), proven patterns and strategies.

The LTA scanner proved it’s value helping with producing and capture profits.

HRC/RWO Team News

Member LTA Live Scanner Discount Code: Can be found on the member’s login page down toward the bottom. BIG SAVINGS

Trade-Ideas for considerations: Technical diffacaulties/ No trade ideas today

30% Discount Available: Hit and Run CandlesticksRight Way Options • Use Promo Code: SAVE30

Live Trading Alerts News


Took 20% on WIX puts! Thank you LTA- Live Trading Alerts

Jerry G.


I have hit for over $300 this morning using your LTA scanner, I think I have found my niche!

Coach B.

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service

Price Action Being Tested

Price action tested by both the buyers and the sellers, use extreme caution.  Friday the SPY closed below the lower MegaPhone line (Bearish clue) and above our Red Green Line (Bullish clue). With the political trash, today’s market should be pretty screwed up. The DIA’s have posted three lower highs (Bearish clue), Friday the DIA’s closed below the Red Green line (Bearish clue) and above the March low (Consolidation clue). IWM closed below the RED Green line (Bearish clue) and below the March low (Bearish clue). The QQQ’s are in a Bullish trend, and Friday’s candle suggests a lower low today. As I said screwed up! Sure glad we follower our Friday rule and closed a few positions to be lighter going into the weekend. As I approach the trading week, it will be with extreme caution, a few longs and shorts always remembering that cash is a position if the market gets too unruly. Something to always remember being a swing trader is that you don’t have to trade every day and sitting in cash for a day or two is ok.

The LTA scanner proved it’s value helping with producing and capture profits.

HRC/RWO Team News

Member LTA Live Scanner Discount Code: Can be found on the member’s login page down toward the bottom. BIG SAVINGS

Trade-Ideas for considerations: T, BIG, XRAY, AMAT, ROKU, SPLK, NKE, W

50% Discount Available: Hit and Run CandlesticksRight Way Options • Use Promo Code: SAVE50

Live Trading Alerts News


Took 20% on WIX puts! Thank you LTA- Live Trading Alerts

Jerry G.


I have hit for over $300 this morning using your LTA scanner, I think I have found my niche!

Coach B.

Save time reviewing hundreds of charts. ✅Find EXACTLY the right set up by being alerted for only those tickers that qualify.  ✅Stop “Chasing trades” by being alerted of the move (not finding out later.) ✅Eliminate “trouble pulling the trigger” (be sure when a ticker is moving.) ✅Stop “leaving money on the table” (manage your exits with lower-time alerts.) Stop “Predicting” by trading alerts that show the turn, not forecast it. ✅Stop ignoring the overall market (by watching alerts on DIA, SPY, IWM, QQQ.)  ✅Gain massive efficiency over flipping through charts (hoping to find them at just the right time) or waiting on someone to feed you trade ideas.

Rick’s Favorite Charting Software

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

DISCLAIMER: Investing / Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is not financial or trading advice. All information provided by Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates and representatives are intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new trading approach before implementing it.  Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Terms of Service