15 Day T-Line Run

A close over the T-Line today would be the 15th-day price action has to lead the T-Line into bullish battle. Price has tightened up the last three days, the Doji yesterday is the smallest of the 3 and yesterdays low was higher then Wednesdays candle. The past three candles have also had slide into last weeks support area. This week the sellers have tried to push the buyers into a hole but have failed thus far, the buyers have hung on tight to the road traveled from the December lows. A strong bull will be wanting $266.50 followed by $270.50 a strong bear will want $258.60 followed by $255.65. The VIX-X price action has failed to close above the 50-SMA after a minor challenge. But the bottom building is possible and real.

Friday is a good day to collect a fw of those profits and take a few loss if needed. It’s kinda scary holding too much over the weekend with all the political BS and the unknown. Good trading to all and have a great weekend.

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Hit and Run Candlesticks is has a 30% savings on memberships – use the SAVE30 promo code and save 30% on and Hit and Run Candlesticks membership. Learn More SAVE30

Private 2-hour coaching with Rick Saddler only $354.00 for non-members and $300.00 for members. Learn More

The “Road to Wealth Coaching” – Work with Rick Saddler daily and learn how he plans to double his trading account this year 2019. Learn More

Real-Time Market Scanner

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The LTA Live Real-Time Scanner is built for both the professional and the retail home trader. The live real-time scanner offers a cutting edge advantage to the serious trading looking to profit from the stock market. Scan Definitions- Download FREE

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 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

Buyers Holding Off Sellers

Buyers are holding off the sellers in this bullish pullback. The SPY printed another lower low yesterday, and then the buyers stepped over the sellers closing well above the low. The price action of the SPY is flirting with-testing the 50-SMA and the $258.60 support area, what I would call a bullish pullback. Here is why I think the bullish pullback is good for the overall market, let’s look at the past five candles. The past five candles are drawing what could be a bullish continuation pattern, of course, it is based on the buyers holding support. If the bullish continuation pattern pans out the next target area would be about $270.50. And if the sellers walk all over the buyers $255.65 and $251.40 will be in the cards.

Notice how price action is trending above the T-Line and the Red/Green Dot trend in the chart below, we will remain cautiously bullish until we see a compelling bearish candlestick pattern with follow-through the breaks the bullish trend.

For more information about the Red/Green Trend line, Dotted Deuce or anything about our charts, consider joining us in the HRC trading room. We start at 9:10 Am each trading day. 60-Day Trial

Monthly Membership 15% Discount Code: SAVE15

Quarterly Membership 30% Discount Code: SAVE30

Stock picks or trade ideas without swing trading education will cost you your hard earned money. HRC Watch-list Trade-Ideas –  We are adding the following to our trade-list: LGIH, SEDG, EXTR, DF, CLVS, FSK, LLY, TWTR. Invest in your future with Hit and Run Candlesticks education
Past performance does not guarantee future.

Real-Time Market Scanner

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Built-In (Included) Scan Definitions. Bullish and bearish, Continuation, moving average crossovers and bounces. (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout alerts, intra-day, daily and weekly, Candlesticks stick signals and more. Scan Definitions- Download FREE

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 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

1-22-19 e-Learning

Following the Trend – Stock & Option Trading Setups

Don’t pass webinar recording up! – https://youtu.be/HdUsGZwgR0U

 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

Following the Trend

Following the Trend – Stock & Option Trading Setups

Don’t pass webinar recording up! – https://youtu.be/HdUsGZwgR0U

 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

Trade War with China

The trade war with China set off a little selling yesterday bringing in fear to the market, as stated yesterday we are cautiously bullish. As you can see from the 4-hour chart, the trend went from red to green. Price has followed the green dot trend challenging the Dotted Duece. Yesterdays fear brought in what looks like normal profit taking down to a minor support line and still above the $258.40 support line. With price closing above the $258.40 trend line and the Red/Green Dot trend, we will remain cautiously bullish until we see a compelling bearish candlestick pattern with follow-through the breaks the bullish trend.

For more information about the Red/Green Trend line, Dotted Deuce or anything about our charts, please consider joining us in the HRC trading room. We start at 9:10 Am each trading day.

Monthly Membership 15% Discount Code: SAVE15

Quarterly Membership 30% Discount Code: SAVE30

VIX–X Chart – The Vix chart became a little bullish yesterday, and we are watching it like a hawk. If we see Bullish follow-through from the Morning Star signal printed yesterday, we will reevaluate ous trades and look at shorts/Puts

Stock picks or trade ideas without the education will cost you your hard earned money. HRC Watch-list Trade-Ideas –  We are adding the following to our trade-list: BERY, BBBY, PG, EA, SLB. Learn how to trade before you trade.
Past performance does not guarantee future.

Real-Time Market Scanner

LTA Live Trading Alert Image

Built-In (Included) Scan Definitions. Bullish and bearish, Continuation, moving average crossovers and bounces. (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout alerts, intra-day, daily and weekly, Candlesticks stick signals and more. Scan Definitions- Download FREE

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 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

SPY Cautiously Bullish

Last week on the daily chart the SPY broke through the 50-SMA and the following day price action produced bullish follow-through. As of Friday we have had an 11-day bullish T-Line Run showing the strength and determination of the bulls. Both the Dotted Duece and 200-SMA are just above for the bulls to take.

The weekly Candleless chart the 3-EMA is just now coming up to meet the T-Line (8-EMA), and both the 34-EMA and 50-SMA are still in bear territory. Over the years of trading, I have learned to respect the T-Line trend and how price action and other moving averages act around it. The daily chart has cut through the first layer of the resistance skin and is suggesting a good bullish trend working its way back up through the 50SMA while price moves up and down as it should. The week chart 3-EMA still lags below the T-Line. (Cautiously Bullish)

VIX–X Chart – 15-candles below the T-Line, Doji close Friday on the 200-SMA. The T2122 chart closed Friday at 99.27

Stock picks or trade ideas without the education will cost you your hard earned money. HRC Watch-list Trade-Ideas –  We are adding the following to our trade-list: RMBS, EA, NVDA, WDAY, URI, RIG, DVN. Learn how to trade before you trade.
Past performance does not guarantee future.

Real-Time Market Scanner

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Built-In (Included) Scan Definitions. Bullish and bearish, Continuation, moving average crossovers and bounces. (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout alerts, intra-day, daily and weekly, Candlesticks stick signals and more. Scan Definitions- Download FREE

Road To Wealth With Rick Saddler

Road To Wealth Coaching Looking for extended coaching? Serious out trading? Work with Rick Saddler on a daily basis. Read More

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

January 17 $428.00 Day Trading

Here are a few stats from our Day Trading Division yesterday 1/17/19 (Top Gun Day Trading). AA -$120.00 • AA trade $225.00/2-days •AA trade $183.00 • SQ trade +100.00 • MTCH trade $40.00 for a total $428.00. Steve Risner resides in Florida and heads up our Day Trading Division Trading Room 5-days a week. Steve shares his trades and day trading knowledge with fellow traders.

If you are interested in a day traders lifestyle, you might want to take a test run or give yourself 6-Months to learn the tricks of day trading.

Follow Link

Top Gun Day Trading Room is for the active day/scalp trader looking to profit daily with no overnight risk. Daily trade alerts and trading education. Read More

Bullish Wall Of Worry

The bullish wall of worry can be taxing for swing traders. Here at Hit and Run Candlesticks, we help with that navigation. The SPY is challenging the 50-day SMA and the 50% retracement of the October 2018 highs and the December 2018 lows. The bullish challenge thus far has been successful with price action and a bullish T-line Run working quite nicely together. The next challenge for the SPY will be in the $270 – $274 area. I continue to watch and manage the charts and our profits like a Hawk as price navigates through this minefield of resistance.

VIX–X Chart – We are watching the CBOE Market Volatility Index for signs of fear or the lack of. As of yesterday, the fear is low as the price action is approaching the 200-SMA. The 200-SMA could start a small fear movement, Note the TC2000 / T2122 chart is now pegged at 99.04

HRC Watch-list Trade-Ideas –  No trade Ideas on Fridays,  Enjoy a few profits!
Past performance does not guarantee future.

Real-Time Market Scanner

LTA Live Trading Alert Image

Built-In (Included) Scan Definitions. Bullish and bearish, Continuation, moving average crossovers and bounces. (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout alerts, intra-day, daily and weekly, Candlesticks stick signals and more. Scan Definitions- Download FREE

Road To Wealth With Rick Saddler

Road To Wealth Coaching Looking for extended coaching? Serious out trading? Work with Rick Saddler on a daily basis. Read More

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

SPY Holds It’s Bullish Trend

The SPY holds its bullish trend from it’s December low, and the tug-a-war between the buyers and sellers is hot and heavy. Yesterday’s price action did fail to show strong follow-through after the Morningstar Signal and did not close above its 50-SMA. But price remains in a T-Line trend and above the $256.40 support line. Readers of this blog should know we have had a concern about the resistance starting about $258.00. While price is currently battling resistance; price is also managing the trend. Overall we will remain cautiously bullish above $256.40, and below $256.40 we would watch for a test of the $250.30 area.

VIX–X Chart – Yesterday’s Bullish Engulf following a Doji closing in on the 200-SMA is a clue to be a little cautious as the sellers may try to put together an attack to regain the T-Line. Also, note the TC2000 / T2122 chart is pegged at 97.46. Stay sharp and respect the charts.

HRC Watch-list Trade-Ideas –  WYNN, GE, CRON, AMRN, URI, CIEN, TWLO, LGIH. We cover the trade details each morning starting at 9:10 am Eastern in the HRC trading room and throughout the day. Trade-Ideas posted today may not trigger today or any other day. The key to trading is understanding how to trade. A trade alert means nothing without the education.
Past performance does not guarantee future.

Real-Time Market Scanner

LTA Live Trading Alert Image

Built-In (Included) Scan Definitions. Bullish and bearish, Continuation, moving average crossovers and bounces. (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout alerts, intra-day, daily and weekly, Candlesticks stick signals and more. Scan Definitions- Download FREE


Hit and Run Candlesticks Join Rick Daily in trading room #1 membership required. Join in, ask questions and learn how Rick picks his trades and trades them. 2018 account + 307% starting with only $5,100. Become a member of Hit and Run Candlesticks and let’s bring on 2019
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Right Way Options Room UpdateThe RWO trading room is now open all day to share ideas and watchlist suggestions. Watch and learn from Doug as he prepares and explains his trades. Learn More about Right Way Options – Read More 

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Top Gun Day Trading Room is for the active day/scalp trader looking to profit daily with no overnight risk. Daily trade alerts and trading education. Read More

2 Hours Private coaching – Read More

Road To Wealth With Rick Saddler

Road To Wealth Coaching Looking for extended coaching? Serious out trading? Work with Rick Saddler on a daily basis. Read More

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 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service

SPY Challenge 50-SMA?

SPY, to challenge the 50-SMA on SPY? The slow grind wall of worry is working slowly but surely. Price action seems determined to challenge the 50-SMA after the December low followed by a High/Low – Higher/high and a successful challenge of the 34-EMA. Yesterday markered the 5th green bullish bar based on our 17-EMA red-green tracking line. Yesterdays Bullish Morning star is suggesting the buyers want to challenge the 50-SMA. At $258.00 the SPY entered a resistance minefield for the bulls to navigate.

VIX–X Chart – The price action trend is still down and no fear as of yet. Stay on your toes.

HRC Watch list additions –  CHK, WLL, FTNT, ROKU, BDX, EBAY, SQ, MS. We cover the trade details each morning starting at 9:10 am Eastern in the HRC trading room and throughout the day. The key to trading is understanding how to trade. A trade alert means nothing without the education.
Past performance does not guarantee future.

Real-Time Market Scanner

LTA Live Trading Alert Image

Built-In (Included) Scan Definitions. Bullish and bearish, Continuation, moving average crossovers and bounces. (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout alerts, intra-day, daily and weekly, Candlesticks stick signals and more. Scan Definitions- Download FREE

The LTA – Live Trading Alert Program is software that runs independently of any charting programs, an in real time finds chart setups. Hi, this is Rick Saddler founder of Hit and Run Candlesticks, as you know I have been using a live scan most of my trading career. It wasn’t until after I started to use the scanner that I became successful. Some people even say I am one of the best directional swing traders they have ever seen, that just not true; it’s because of the Live Scanner and what it does for me. It would be very hard for me to give up the scanner and believe every trader that wants to succeed needs to consider this tool.

You can get then scanner for a 30-day trial, but please keep it for at least 6-months to give it and you a chance. Below are a few scans it currently can run and we can customize scans for you! 30-Day Trial

LTA – Live Trading Alerts Scanner 30-Day Trial Comes with Live Coaching


2 Hours Private coaching – Read More

Hit and Run Candlesticks Join Rick Daily in trading room #1 membership required. Join in, ask questions and learn how Rick picks his trades and trades them. 2018 account + 307% starting with only $5,100. Become a member of Hit and Run Candlesticks and let’s bring on 2019
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Right Way Options Room UpdateThe RWO trading room is now open all day to share ideas and watchlist suggestions. Watch and learn from Doug as he prepares and explains his trades. Learn More about Right Way Options – Read More 

2 Hours Private coaching – Read More


Top Gun Day Trading Room is for the active day/scalp trader looking to profit daily with no overnight risk. Daily trade alerts and trading education. Read More

2 Hours Private coaching – Read More

Road To Wealth Coaching With Rick Saddler

Road To Wealth Coaching Looking for extended coaching? Serious out trading? Work with Rick Saddler on a daily basis. Read More

Free YouTube Education  •  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching

 DISCLAIMER: Investing/ Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from us should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information provided by it and Run Candlesticks Inc, its affiliates or representatives is intended for educational purposes only. You are advised to test any new approach before implementing it.  Past performance does  not guarantee future results. Terms of Service