Trade Ideas October 27, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

SPEX/Long (Industrial Sector Business Services) SPEX has been forming a fry pan bottom for the last four months and recently closed over the 50-day simple moving average on volume. It then consolidated for a few weeks and is now back over the 50-day simple moving average with the T-Line and the 20-day simple moving average following price. With the close of Friday, we have formed a rounded bottom breakout. With about 90% possible profit to the 200-day simple moving average, SPEX could be a profit maker. Back on September 30, I did buy and have continued to hold. As of Friday’s close with a 12% profit, SPEX is now set up to grab a good piece of that 90% possible profit.

My entry plan idea:  (Already long) Buy or add more on an intraday pullback
My stop plan idea:   A close below the 50-day simple moving average for now


Good Morning,

SPY: I would suspect that all eyes will be watching what price does with the…

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Trade Ideas October 24, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

XON/Long  (Healthcare Sector Biotechnology)  XON has formed a bullish J-Hook breakout within a RBB strategy along with a bullish “W” pattern.  Keep in mind, with yesterday’s 11.5% day, we could see a little profit taking which would offer a good entry for about 17% to target.

My entry plan idea:  Inside day buy
My stop plan idea:   A close below the T-Line

Good Morning,

SPY:  Admittedly, I was not expecting the bullish open yesterday on the SPY, but then again, it did close with a possible…

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Trade Ideas October 23, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

ISNS/Long  (Technology Sector Software Application)  ISNS is setting up to possibly be one of our Rounded Bottom Breakouts (RBB).  It hasn’t broken out over the 50-day moving average yet, but if it does, it could easily run to the 200- period moving average which is about 15% from the 50-period moving average.  ISNS has been trading in a bearish manner for a few weeks.  A few days ago, a Bullish Engulf was printed followed by a couple of Doji’s and then another very small Bullish Engulf with a volume breakout, yesterday’s close over the T-Line and the 20-period  moving average.

My entry plan idea Below 3.33 and above the T-Line

My stop plan idea:   A close below the T-Line

Good Morning,

SPY:  Yesterday, a bearish dark cloud cover was printed on the SPY after reaching a new high into resistance.  A bearish dark cloud cover does not necessarily mean…

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Trade Ideas October 22, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

ACHN/Long  (Healthcare Biotechnology)
Is trying to put together a Doji continuation pattern, some know it as a (Doji sandwich) above the big three and after constructing a two-week base.  ACHN was also a featured trade idea on October 17.  As of the close yesterday we are still looking for approximately 20% in this position.

My entry plan idea:   Accumulate below $12 and above $11.60
My stop plan idea:   A close below $11.60

Good Morning,

SPY:  Yesterday the Bulls were able to close above 192.70 and the 20 day simple moving average.  There is no doubt that the Bulls have had a fantastic rally the…

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Trade Ideas October 21, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

VHC/Long (Technology Software Infrastructure) VHC is set up as one of our Pinball strategies with a double bottom and what looks like a reverse cup and handle. The Pinball setup was actually three days ago, but yesterday the buyers painted a Bullish Engulf closing over the 20 SMA and the T-Line. Based on Pinball rules, we look at the 34 EMA as the target direction and with 39% possible, how can we pass up this trade. Last Tuesday night, the members’ e-learning was dedicated to the Pinball setup. You can find the video in the members’ area under “archived videos.”

My entry plan idea:   An inside day, buy below yesterday’s high and above yesterday’s low.
My stop plan idea:   A close below the T-Line


Yesterday in the trading room we exercised our right to be profit traders:

Closed SHLD for 28.97%,
Closed ESI for 39.74%,
SVXY currently up 10.28% on the profit trader list,
SCOK currently up 8.25% on the profit trader list.
It helps to have over 100 friends in a trading room to talk and trade with. So why not make Hit & Run Candlesticks your “Cheers” Trading Room?

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Trade Ideas October 20, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

ANAC/Long (Healthcare Biotechnology) ANAC is poised to break out of $27.28. The bullish trend has allowed a pull back to the 50-day moving average forming a very nice little rounded bottom J-Hook chart pattern. The $29.50 area could be the next target.

My entry plan idea:   Buy on positive trading above the T-Line and 20 SMA or a breakout
My stop plan idea:   A close below $24.14


Good Morning,

SPY: Friday’s Doji close below the T-Line implies the sellers are still in control of the T-Line trend…

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Trade Ideas October 17, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

ACHN/Long- (Healthcare Biotechnology) ACHN Has had bullish support for the past 12 days while the overall market had been drowning. In that 12 day stretch I see a series of low – high – higher highs, two sets of them. In the last five days has produced three Doji’s a Bullish Engulf with follow-through that squeezed the big three nice and tight. With 25% to the recent high and about 47% to the $16 area makes ACHN our featured trade idea.

My entry plan idea:   Positive trading over the 50 SMA

My stop plan idea: End of day close below 50 SMA

Our Trading Community where we are Profit Traders

  • Closed out 2 day BIDU trade for $2,300

Good Morning,

SPY: First and foremost, I am not at all convinced that this is the big reversal we’re looking for, and always monitor your charts for support and resistance…
For now, I am looking at Wednesday’s low to be a tradable low with a target near the 200-day simple moving average around $190.75. If you were to take just the two candle bodies of Wednesday and Thursday, the market painted a bullish belthold. The bullish belthold reversal pattern has the ability to send us to the 200-day simple moving average with possibly even more, but we need more proof for that.

Private Coaching

Trade Rules to Survive

 IWM: Wednesday IWM painted a double bottom morningstar bullish engulf off of the 50% Fibonacci retracement line with bullish follow-through closing over the T-Line Thursday. That’s a lot of bullish reversal checkmarks. Yesterday in the trading room, the bullish scanner was spinning nearly out of control with bullish charts and patterns showing up everywhere. Please don’t get me wrong. I definitely do not think this correction is completely over; however, I do see a very tradable rally. About $110 will be a very important number for IWM to beat.

  • Short-term swing traders should be ecstatic with yesterday’s close over the T-Line.

This Week’s Economic Calendar—> Click Here


Members Trade Ideas – Members Only

In the members area you will find 10-15 trade ideas every day


Current Swing Trade Featured Trade Ideas- Gold & Silver Members Only:

Symbols formembers only Date  Long/Short Try our Membership, Check out the Trading Room
10-14-14 Long Buy on positive trading
10-9-14 Long Caution
10-3-14 Long Buy over T-Line
10-2-14 Long T-Line stop
9-30-14 Long Buy on positive trading/T-line run
9-25-14 Long Buy on positive trading
9-18-14 Long Buy over T-Line
9-5-14 Long Close
8-28-14 Long Buy on positive trading
8-14-14 Long Buy on positive trading/reversal setting up
8-13-14 Long Buy on positive trading
7-8-14 Long AAPL is messing with us

VXX S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures: A close below the T-Line ™ implies the bearish short-term swing traders are in control, Yesterday’s candle implies sellers are in control.

USO United States Oil Fund: A close below the T-Line ™ implies the bearish short-term swing traders are in control. The current candle pattern (Doji/Bullish Engulf) implies buyers are in control.

TLT: A close above the T-Line ™ implies the bullish short-term swing traders are in control. Yesterday’s candle implies buyers are still in control, J-Hook breakout getting extended.

The above are just my thoughts to myself just thought I would share with everyone.

Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk. No communication should be construed as financial or trading advice. All information provided is for Educational Purposes Only.


Trade Ideas October 16, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

Trade Management – Today is a day to manage the trades that you’re in. The market, over the last few days has not been nice to most traders, looking for another stock to buy is not likely to help anything. The sellers are still in control. Price below the T-Line and lower highs.

My entry plan idea:   Brew a nice cup of coffee

My stop plan idea: Only after 3 cups

Our Trading Community

Private Coaching

Trade Rules to Survive

Good Morning,

SPY: Yesterday we talked about the 23.6% Fibonacci line at approximately $186.50 and how important it was for the bulls to defend… Continue Reading

Trade Ideas October 15, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

TKMR/Long (Healthcare Sector Biotechnology) With the near hammer signal on October 8 followed by for Doji’s TKMR looks poised to retest the recent high of October 3 which is about 25% away

My entry plan idea:   (Currently own) will add on positive trading above the T-Line
My stop plan idea: About 22.47

TKMR Featured trade idea on October 9 – has had for indecision Doji’s walking the 20 day simple moving average. TKMR looks poised for a bullish move.

Good Morning,
SPY: Measuring from the 2011 highs to the most recent highs, the SPY is about 1/2% from the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement line. This area of about Continue Reading

Trade Ideas October 14, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

ALNY/Long (Healthcare Sector Biotechnology) ALNY Has printed a bull kicker candlestick chart pattern gapping over the 20 day period moving average and the T-Line. When you’re looking at the chart notice the bullish W pattern starting in March. I’m looking for a 30% gain plus to the January 2014 high

My entry plan idea:   I will be watching for a PBO buy and above the 20 day period moving average.

My stop plan idea: A close below the 20 day period moving average

Beware Profit Traders we are entering earnings season

Hit & Run Candlesticks Members: A list of Ebola Related Stocks have been posted in the members area, “Members Resources”, “Components For ETF’s and Indexes” look all the way to the bottom.

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