Swing Trade Ideas June 3, 2015

One of Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

FENG/Long  (Internet content)  FENG is in an overall Rounded Bottom Breakout pattern, currently presenting a bullish flag breakout or J-Hook pattern with a slight bullish cradle-look to it as well.  Not to mention the double bottom.  With the right energy and follow-through, FENG has about a 12% target.

FENG Trading Plan   (Entry, Stop, Target)  Click Here

A Trading Room Team Working Together:
RENN up 39.7% * GEVO up 8.89% * OPK up 25.73%
In the trading room, we teach you how to find’em and trade’em.
Start right here  CLICK HERE
Join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT. Click Here

Good Morning,

SPY:   There is still no real direction in the SPY or the overall market.  Yesterday’s Doji close, which also presented a double bottom, closed between the 20 SMA and the 50 SMA, something we call the trap. The $64,000 question is which direction the trap will price finally breakout?  Yesterday’s Doji does suggest indecision after the recent weeklong consolidation.  Was yesterday’s Doji just a rest day before breaking down, or was it a true Continue Reading

Swing Trade Ideas June 2, 2015

One of Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

SSE/Long  (Energy sector)   SSE is still working with the Rounded Bottom Breakout strategy trying to form a bullish flag breakout.  Note that the oil futures are looking pretty good this morning.  USO and UWTI are looking like Doji Sandwich patterns (bullish continuation).

SSE Trading Plan   (Entry, Stop, Target)  Click Here

A Trading Room Team Working Together:
GPRO up 19.19% * RTTX up 18.53% * AVEO up 8.57%
In the trading room we teach you how to find’em and trade’em.
Start right here  CLICK HERE

Join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT. Click Here

Good Morning,

SPY:   The one hour and four hour charts has broken down to very concerning levels and has formed a bearish head and shoulders pattern.  The two and for our chart is showing a clear bearish “h” pattern. Internally the SPY is starting to break down, and on the daily chart, the most leading indicator there is “PRICE” has once again closed under the T-Line.  SMH (Semiconductor’s) is one of the few market areas that has been bullish and Continue Reading

Swing Trade Ideas June 1, 2015

One of Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

EHTH/Long  (Financial services)  EHTH Is a rounded bottom breakout chart pattern with consolidation for about the last four weeks.  Last week a left/right combo, Bullish Engulf, rising method, tweezer bottom, then another Bullish Engulf was printed.  H&R Members had a chance to buy EHTH last week. With the first target about 13% away and the second near 50% away, EHTH seems tailor-made for Hit-And-Run Candlestick members.

EHTH Trading Plan   (Entry, Stop, Target)  Click Here
Join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT. Click Here
More on how to trade EHTH  in the trading room today at 9:10 am EDT
Possible entry plan idea:   Click Here
Possible stop plan idea:    Click Here

What Hit & Run Candlesticks does for many traders:
ADHD up 24.60% * MX up 26.26% * BLUE up 35.22% * GPRO up 12.95% * AGIO up12.46 % * MNKD up 29.82% * FEYE up 13.84%
In the trading room we teach you how to find’em and trade’em.
Membership starts right here  CLICK HERE

Good Morning,

SPY:   Looking at a trend channel from February 2015 to May 2015, you can see that the Bulls still control the trend, and the Bulls have also been able to keep the big three on a slight bullish march.  On the other hand, if you look at last week’s candles, you’d think the Bulls might be heading to Continue Reading

Swing Trade Ideas May 29, 2015

One of Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

EYES/Long (Healthcare)  Coming from good solid support about $11.50, with a double bottom and a bullish “W” pattern. The last five trading bars have printed a bull kicker, a Doji sandwich breaking out of a downward channel.

More on how to trade EYES in the trading room today at 9:10 am EDT
EYES Trading Plan  (Entry, Stop, Target)  Click Here
Join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT. Click Here

What Hit & Run Candlesticks does for many traders:
ADHD up 20.39% * IG up 16.08% * GPRO * up15.70% * AGIO up14.47% * FEYE up 14.45%
In the trading room teach you how to find’em and trade’em
Membership starts right here  CLICK HERE

Good Morning,
SPY:  In yesterday’s email, I commented on two components that we use to gauge the overall market — one being semiconductors using the ETF symbol SMH and the other being the transports using the ETF symbol IYT.  At the close of yesterday, there wasn’t much change between these two components, still in an argument keeping them in opposite directions, and this is what is keeping the market from Continue Reading

Swing Trade Ideas May 28, 2015

One of Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

NQ/Long (Technology sector)  NQ became a Rounded Bottom Breakout yesterday with a close above the big three and the 100 SMA as a bonus. NQ has the potential to produce 15% to 25% profit in the near term.

NQ Trading Plan  (Entry, Stop, Target)  Click Here
Join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT. Click Here

What Hit & Run Candlesticks does for many traders:
A big thanks to Rick and the H&R gang in the trading room!  Yesterday I sold my RENN for a 29% profit. Still holding MNHD @ 31% profit.
Thanks again! Sam in TX.
*Membership starts right here  CLICK HERE

Good Morning,

SPY:  There are several components that we use to gauge the overall market; two of them semiconductors using the ETF symbol SMH, and the other one is the transports using the ETF symbol IYT.  I believe these two indexes can give insight on the market, and right now they are in serious conflict.  The semiconductor SMH is bullish with a terrific chart pattern soaring to new highs, but the transportation index ETF has had its fair share of troubles with a bearish top and continued bearish follow-through.   Even the 50 SMA has crossed down through the 200 SMA, Continue Reading

Sing Trade Ideas May 27, 2015

One of Today’s Swing Trade Ideas
CSLT/Long (Software)  CSLT became a Rounded Bottom Breakout in early May running about 20% and now has pulled back with consolidation closing yesterday with a Doji gap above the T-Line creating a bullish morning star signal.
CSLT Trading Plan  (Entry, Stop, Target)  Click Here

Join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT. Click Here
What Hit & Run Candlesticks does for many traders:
BLUE up 27% from May 7,  ADHD up 13.27% from May 11,  MX up 10.92 from May 13
Membership starts right here  CLICK HERE

Good Morning, 

SPY:  The 13 ETF Spiders I follow have all closed below the T-Line as of yesterday, and the transports IYT seems to be the leader of the group.  Yesterday was a rough day for the SPY closing down 1.08% gapping down and crushing the T-Line on strong volume.  The SPY may still Continue Reading

Swing Trade Ideas May 26, 2015

One of Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

FEYE/Long (Technology)  Friday FEYE broke out of its wedge on the bullish side closing over its April highs and poised to take on the February’s highs about 46.44.  Inside the wedge FEYE produced higher lows that helped it climb to the breakout.  Note that FEYE was also a featured trade idea on April 13.

FEYE -for the trading plan (Entry, Stop, Target)  Click Here  or join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT. Click Here
H&R Trading room membership has its privileges:
HNR up 54% – BLUE up 24% – RENN up 22% – OPK up 22% –
$85.00 a month is inexpensive for these kinds of numbers and the education is worth 100X more.  So get started  CLICK HERE

Click here Check out our Free Educational Videos Click Here

Good Morning, 

SPY:  The transports (mainly the rails right now) Are definitely applying pressure to the market and not allowing the market to move up.  FedEx and UPS did not fare very well on Friday’s close, possibly a tipping point for them. As of the close Friday last week the Bulls are still in charge price continued to close over the T-Line and the big three and avoided a close below the breakout line

IWM:  Although IWM closed last week above the big three and the T-Line the 20 SMA still lags below the 50 SMA suggesting the Bulls have not been bullish enough long enough.  The current chart pattern on IWM should give a little concern on whether to be 100% bullish or not.  It might be prudent to have a few shorts, inverse ETF’s pullback on the amount of longs or the amount of money spent on longs.

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This Week’s Economic Calendar—> Click Here

Members Trade Ideas –  Members Only

In the members area you will find 10-15 trade ideas every day

Each day 10 -15 stocks are posted in the members area that I believe are poised to move 10-20% (maybe more) within the next few days based on the charts. As you know some work and some don’t…Welcome to trading. Please follow your trading rules for entry stops and profits. Remember to check for earnings!

Symbols from TC2000

Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication or chat sessions should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only.

Members only Date  Long/Short Try our Membership, Check out the Trading Room
5.21.15 Long BOPT above T-line
5.20.15 Long BOPT above T-line
5.19.15 Long BOPT above T-line
5.13.15 Long BOPT above T-line
5.6.15 Long BOPT above T-line
5.5.15 Long Are stops set?
5.4.15 Long BOPT above T-line
4.30.15 Long Caution be ready to close
4.28.15 Long BOPT above T-line
4.27.15 Long BOPT above T-line
4.23.15 Long BOPT
4.22.15 Long  Raise stop protect profits
4.14.15 Long BOPT above T-line
4.13.15 Long BOPT above T-line
4.10.15 Long BOPT above T-line
3.30.15 Long BOPT above T-line
3.24.15 Long BOPT
3.6.15 Long Raise stop/BOPT above T-line
1.22.15 Long BOPT above T-line
7-8-14 Long BOPT above T-line

VXX S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures:  A close below the T-Line ™ implies the bearish short-term swing traders are in control.

Energy Sector: XLE, SX90, ERX, USO  A close below the T-Line ™  implies the bearish short-term swing traders are in control.

TBT: A close below the  T-Line ™ implies the above short-term bearish swing traders are in control. At some point TBT in a bullish stance will put pressure on the bullish market.

US Dollar Index: UUP, DXYO A close above the  T-Line ™  implies the bullish short-term swing traders are in control.

The information in this email and Blog Post are notes to myself and should NOT be construed as financial or trading advice.

Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk. No communication should be construed as financial or trading advice. All information provided is for Educational Purposes Only.

Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication or chat sessions should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only.

http://hitandruncandlesticks.com Trading for Profit is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not tell or suggest which securities or currencies customers or subscriber should buy or sell. The analysts and employees or affiliates of Company may hold positions in the stocks, currencies or industries discussed here.

Swing Trade Ideas May 22, 2015

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

NXPI/Long (Semiconductor) NXPI was posted and talked about in the trading room yesterday before I bought it at 106.29 after its dip below the big three.  NXPI has made its way to near striking distance of the March high with double bottoms, hammers, Bullish Engulf’s, higher lows, closing yesterday with the left/right combo continuation pattern.

Members, for the NXPI trading plan (Entry, Stop, Target), login to the members’ area or join us in the Trading Room for the morning commentary on all of the members’ trade ideas at 9:10 AM EDT

H&R Trading room membership has its privileges:  Based on 100 shares you would be up $3307.00 on NFLX,  $2929.00 on BLUE,  $801.00 on BABA,  $706.00 on GLID,  $665.00 on AGIO.
$85.00 a month is inexpensive for these kinds of numbers and the education is worth 100X more.  So get started  CLICK HERE

Click here Check out our Free Educational Videos Click Here

Good Morning, 

SPY:  While the transports (mainly the rails right now) concerned me a great deal, I am very fearful that if they don’t put the steam back in the engine, they may cause the market to derail.  Meanwhile, the SPY continues to show a positive and bullish attitude another day closing over the breakout line and closing with an engulfing candle while respecting the bullish side of the T-Line.  Out of the 13 market ETF’s that I have selected Continue Reading