HOG – RBB Strategy Above The 50-SMA

HOG – RBB Strategy Above The 50-SMA

HOG – RBB Strategy Above The 50-SMAHOG (Harley Davidson), The HOG Chart, is now an (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout strategy above the 50-SMA. We have a double bottom in the $45.50 area and a Bullish Cradle pattern that pushed HOG into the (RBB) chart strategy. Over $47.50 the chart has a Bullish chance to see $53.85 [Tip] wait for the breakout and low-risk entry.

Candle Pattern

Bullish Engulf • Doji Continuation

Low-risk entries • Trade with us • Learn more with us • Profit with us •. You will not find a better trading support group, up to you.

Ticker Update (GGG)  –

You could have profited about 9.27% or about $1076.00, with 100 shares when we posted to our members on August 1st.

If you are interested in the next level of trading profits • Rick Saddler founder of Hit and Run Candlesticks offers private coaching • LEARN MORE


Good Trading – Hit and Run Candlesticks

Learn more about Hit and Run Candlesticks, and today’s trade idea and plan plus the 10 or more members trade ideas, starting at 8:45 EST AM every morning with the HOG and then Rick at 9:10 EST. Every day we teach and trade using the T-Line, Candlesticks, Support and Resistance, Trends, chart patterns and continuation patterns.

Eyes On The Market (SPY)

This past year I have introduced the T-Line Bands and how to use them, this past Tuesday evening we had a Members e-Learning webinar on them. You may find them very useful in the next few days. The SPY, IWM, QQQs, IYT may challenge the Lower Purple Band. I will be using the Lower Band to help with the attitude of charts that test the band.

Rick’s trade ideas for the day – MEMBERS ONLY

[button_2 color=”orange” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/hit-and-run-candlesticks/” new_window=”Y”]Low-risk entries • Trade with us • Learn more with us Profit with us[/button_2]


Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone except for the trading desk of Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc.


Members’ Webinar 10-17-2017

Public WebinarMember’s Webinar

In this webinar, we discussed the Blue Ice failure and Bearish “h” Patten AND Bullish Breakout patterns using the T-Line Bands





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CLD – Broke Out, Bullish J-Hook Pattern

CLD – Broke Out, Bullish J-Hook Pattern

CLD – Broke Out, Bullish J-Hook PatternCLD (Cloud Peak Energy), The CLD Chart, broke out of a Bullish J-Hook Pattern after completing an RBB pattern. Price dipped and now has broken back over the upper T-Line Band and a 5-month base on good volume. [Tip] wait for a low-risk entry.

Candle Pattern

PBO, Inverted Hammer on support

Low-risk entries • Trade with us • Learn with us • Profit with us •. You will not find a better trading support group, up to you.

Ticker (GLUU)You could have profited about 60% or about $175.00, with 100 shares when we posted to our members on August 3rd.  If you would like to see a 3-5 minute video on how to trade GLUU, please contact Rick


Good Trading – Hit and Run Candlesticks

Learn more about Hit and Run Candlesticks, and today’s trade idea and plan plus the 10 or more members trade ideas, starting at 8:45 EST AM every morning with the HOG and then Rick at 9:10 EST. Every day we teach and trade using the T-Line, Candlesticks, Support and Resistance, Trends, chart patterns and continuation patterns.

Eyes On The Market

DJ-30 hits 23K – What a great year this has been to trade! The market has been tuned up and purs like a kitten.

Follow a few simple steps, and the charts will treat you right. [Example] following the price action and the T-Line together can be eye-opening when you leave your baggage at the door. If you were at the member’s e-learning last night, you saw first hand how using the T-Line Bands can help with success.

The SPY remains bullish • IWM gives me concern • Transports gives me concern • T2122 indicator looks to be dropping and below the 34-EMA

Rick’s trade ideas for the day – MEMBERS ONLY

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CLD – Broke Out, Bullish J-Hook Pattern

Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone except for the trading desk of Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc.



The Bulls are firmly in control.

The Bulls are firmly in control.

The Bulls are firmly in control.The Bulls are firmly in control and the Bears are either running for their lives or have gone into hibernation.  The news of the 23K Dow print spread like wild fire yesterday afternoon.  The President even chimed in on the subject as he was pushing for the tax reform legislation.  Those sitting out are really feeling the pressure of missing out right now and are likely to charge in pushing us even higher.  It may seem completely irrational and nonsensical to you but for goodness sake don’t try and fight this move.  To do so would be akin to trying hold back the tide.  Also don’t become complacent or chaise.  Focus on price and have a plan!

On the Calendar

We begin the hump day Economic Calendar today with Housing Starts at 8:30 AM Eastern.  The September consensus is 1.170 million annualized starts and 1.238 million permits which constitutes a slight slowing in both metrics.  At 10:30 AM the EIA Petroleum Status report will be released.  I think most are expecting to see demand growth and supplies continuing to decline slowly.  Then at 2:00 PM is the Beige Book and the Treasury Budget which come out about 2 weeks prior to the next FOMC meeting.  It’s unlikely they will move the market.

The number of reports continue to shuffle around a bit but today the Economic Calendar has about 80 companies reporting today.  AXP, AA, EBAY, UAL, UTI, KMI are just some of the notable reports today.  Please make sure to check reporting dates as part of your daily preparation.

Action Plan

Although I was sitting in a doctor’s office I caught the close on my phone and was not surprised to see new record highs once again.  For a moment the Bulls push the Dow over 23,000.  On my drive 2-hour home I was flipping through the radio stations and heard at least 3 reports on the 23k print and even a sound bite from the President.  I thought to myself the “Fear of Missing Out”, crowd will likely gap the market higher tomorrow.  As of now, that thought seems appears correct, with the Dow futures pointing to more than a 50-point gap up.

Don’t chaise but stay with the trend.  The bulls are firmly in control and as long earnings report continue to be mostly positive higher prices are likely.  Remember to take some profit along the way to relieve pressure on trades.

Trade Wisely,


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/ikJyC0z8lhY”]Morning Market Prep Video[/button_2]

The Trend is Strong

The Trend is Strong

The Trend is StrongJust when you think the market is about to take a breath and rest the Bulls step up and drive us even higher.  Once again new record highs ring out inspiring more and more buyers to enter the market.  With earnings session underway anything is possible, but so far they have been coming in strong that could continue fueling the Bulls to push even higher. The trend is strong and clearly very bullish.

Don’t try and fight or just might find yourself under the hooves of charging bulls.  There was a time in my trading career when I believed I had gained so much knowledge and skill I could predict the market.  I would find myself often trying to fight the market trend allowing my bias to control my decisions.  Long story short, my accounts suffered tremendous damage as a result.  Whether it seems rational or not work within the trend as long as it continues.

On the Calendar

The Economic Calendar starts off with Import and Export Prices at 8:30 AM Eastern.  Conseensus sees a 0.5% gain vs. 0.5% percent last month.  At 9:15 AM is the most important number of the day, Industrial Production.  Forestasters are calling for a 0.4% September gain in production numbers.  Then at 10:0 AM the Housing Market Index is expected to hold unchanged at 64.  Then at 2:00 PM is the Treasury Budget wihich is calling for a 3.0 billion surplus.  Then at 4:00 PM is the Treasury International Capital which tracks financial instrments in and our of the the country.

The Earnings Calendar has bumped up to more than 50 companies expected to report results today.  JNJ, IBM, GS, PGR, CREE, HOG, MS are some of the notables reporting.  NFLX reported good results after the close yesterday.

Action Plan

I sometimes feel a little like Bull Murray in “Goundhog Day,” when everyday I repeat the market has once again set new records.  As is case for yesterday with the DIA, SPY and QQQ’s all closing at new record highs once again.  The IWM lagged behind choosing instead to remain in a tight consolidation range.  The VIX continues to hover just above record lows and hanging on to its sub ten reading.

Although this run seems to be a bit long in the tooth, the Bears seem to be no where in sight.  At this time there also seems to be no Fear of their return at the moment.  Common sense keeps telling me this can’t go on forever.  However betting against or standing aside in a wildly bullish market such as this would be a mistake.  If earnings begin to roll in showing that most companies can support these lofty price levels, then the trend up could continue much longer.  Set aside your bias and trade the charts in front of your with a focus on price action.

Trade Wisely,


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/sNoQX0i-l9s”]Morning Market Prep Video[/button_2]

SORL – Popped And Consolidating

SORL – Popped And Consolidating

SORL – Popped And ConsolidatingSORL (Sorl Auto Parts), The SORL Chart, popped on October 4th and followed through with bullish consolation. The Pop and consolidate left behind a well constructed double bottom and bull “W pattern breakout.

Trade with us • Learn with us • Profit with us •. You will not find a better trading support group, up to you.

►Starting at 9:10 EST every morning we cover:

How to trade each HRC trade idea with entry, stop and profit zones. Answer questions to help you succeed in trading.

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MonthlyQuarterlySemi-AnnualAnnual • Change your future and enjoy the life of working from home with swing trading. The next step is up to you.

Good Trading – Hit and Run Candlesticks

Learn more about Hit and Run Candlesticks, and today’s trade idea and plan plus the 10 or more members trade ideas, starting at 8:45 EST AM every morning with the HOG and then Rick at 9:10 EST. Every day we teach and trade using the T-Line, Candlesticks, Support and Resistance, Trends, chart patterns and continuation patterns.

Trade Updates for Hit and Run Candlesticks

Stopped out of FMSA for an expectable loss

MonthlyQuarterlySemi-AnnualAnnualWe control our risk and manage our gains • We teach the Same • Cancel Anytime


Ticker (RIG)You could have profited about 25.7% or about $226.00, If 100 shares when we posted to our members on September 13.  If you would like to see a 3-5 minute video on how to trade RIG, please contact Rick


Eyes On The Market (SPY)


The SPY remained bullish as does the DIA’s and the QQQs. IWM is testing the lower T-Line band forcing price to look for support, $147.60 might be that support.

The SPY has held the upper T-Line band run for the past 14 days, the candles (price action) continue to confirm bullishness. A close below $254.65 would likely put the Lower band in test mode.

The 4wk New High/Low Ratio T2122 chart has dropped back below the 34-EMA and below the 34-EMA tops. I am also seeing an Unconfirmed Bearish “H” pattern developing; we will keep you updated.

Rick’s trade ideas for the day – MEMBERS ONLY



Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone except for the trading desk of Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc.


Right Way Options Trade Alert

[img_alert image=”https%3A%2F%2Fhitandruncandlesticks.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F10%2FVideo-Globe-Logo-2-1024×200.png”]

A new trade in MU for your evaluation and consideration.  This trade was taken during the Live Session but is still a great entry in the position.  Below is the Trade Sheet that lays out the details of the trade.  I will add the trade video as soon as possible.

[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s019fdcc4a77416ba”]Trade Details Sheet[/button_2] [button_2 color=”blue” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s2095603dc424452b”]Trade Alert Video[/button_2]

The Bulls maintain market control.

The Bulls maintain market control.

The Bulls maintain market control.Another weekend passes without a major incident effecting the market.  The Senate takes up tax reform, and earnings session begins to heat up this week.  Both could provide significant price action as well as increased volatility.  The futures are pointing to a slightly higher open today, as the Bulls maintain market control.

The Yellen speech on Sunday seemed to raise the likelihood of an interest rate increase in December.  Normally that is seen as a bearish signal, but lets keep some perspective and realize that would only bring the rate up to 1.5%.  If the market can’t handle a 1.5% interest rate, we will have far bigger problems in the economy.

On the Calendar

We begin a new week on the the Economic Calendar with the Empire State Mfg. Survey at 8:30 AM Eastern.  New orders are at and 8-year highs while delivery delay are at record levels.  This one of the first signals that an economy may start overheating.  Forecasters see the October number coming in at 20.5 vs. 25.2 last month.  The Treasury Budget is a 2:00 PM today but not expected to move the market.  There is on Fed Speaker late this evening and other than that just a few bond auction to round out the calendar.

This week the Earnings Calendar begins to ramp up with potential market moving reports.  It’s every traders responsibility to check reporting dates of the stock you own or are thing about buying.  Failure to do so can result in a very painful lession.  There are 27 reports today with the most notable report coming from NFLX after the bell.  The first of the so called FANG stocks could certanially have an overall market effect.  Time to prepare for higher volitality.

Action Plan

The Bulls continue to show incredible resielence, and there seems to be no fear of profit taking or retracement at the moment.  It will be interesting to see how stocks respond as earnings report begin to roll out.  Will earnings support these price levels?  Analysts say yes with an 11% growth expected overall this year.  Only time will tell.

Earnings Session normally kicks up the volitality.  Large market gaps ups or gap down open become much more likely so plan your trades accordingly.  As of now, the overall market trend continues to be up so I will continue looking for long trades to move with the trend.  The VIX does give me a little pause with it showing so much complaicency which should keep us focused on price action for clues of change.  At times like this, it’s important to trade what you see in the chart.  It’s so easy to missout on nice moves if you get caught up in your own pearsonal bias of what you believe the market should or should not be doing.  Always remeember that the market can remain irrational much longer that you stay liquid trying to fight it.

Trade Wisely,


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/Ki1iuwSgmGE”]Morning Market Prep Video[/button_2]