Out of The Office 2 Days

Out of The Office 2 Days

We will be out of the office for two days Thursday and Friday, June 21 and 22 2018.

TV202 Trade Plan Right Here

HRC Monthly Trading Results Right Here

HRC Current Trading Results January 1, 2018, to June 21, 2018, • Plus 240% or $12,085 profit.


Focus Trading Education

Candlesticks • Price Action • T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trend • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Trade Planning, Fibonacci, Stoch/RSI

To learn more about our trading tools join us in the trading room or consider Private Coaching.


This is not your usual service that sends out a ton of stock recommendations, and then cherry picks the winners to show you how great they are. Hit and Run Candlesticks and Right Way Options are truly educational services. They taught me how to trade not what to trade. The entire team: Rick, Doug, Steve, and Ed are there to help and answer your questions. They are awesome. They cut years off my learning curve. And it’s a team effort. Everyone in the room (all the members) are there to help with invaluable insights and advice. The only service you will ever need. Thanks to all the team for how you have helped me and for all you do. –Jonathan Bolnick

Rare to have a service teach you how they find their choices but, HRC/RWO teach you how to fish instead of fishing for you. And, your ideas are not panned but shared, implemented, or improved. Sharing is caring. –Thomas Bradly


Past Performance Is No Guarantee of Future Results

Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, Right Way Option, Trader Vision 2020 or Rick Saddler, Doug Campbell, Ed Carter, Steve Risner is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service. Rick Saddler, Doug Campbell, Ed Carter, Steve Risner is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone.




June 19, 2018 HRC & RWO Joint e-Learning

Trading Basics:  Price Action, Trend, Support/Resistance

ReliefIn this video, Doug Campbell discusses the basics of trading…keeping it simple!  Specifically, he reviews Price Action, Trend, Support and Resistance using dozens of charts to help layout potential trade setups.

1 hour 24 minutes




Candlesticks • Price Action • T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trend • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Trade Planning, Fibonacci, Stoch/RSI

[video_player type=”embed” style=”1″ dimensions=”custom” width=”640″ height=”480″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ ipad_color=”black”]PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxheWVyLnZpbWVvLmNvbS92aWRlby8yNzYwNDgxMDUiIHdpZHRoPSI2NDAiIGhlaWdodD0iMzYwIiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgd2Via2l0YWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSIiIG1vemFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj0iIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49IiI+PC9pZnJhbWU+ICAKCgo=[/video_player]



Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and are not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks or it’s associates should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service


Trade Alert

Good Morning team.

The markets are moving fast this morning so I hope you had some alerts set and are making money this morning.

DDD has broken out of my alert and even-though it moved quickly I still think its trade-able as long as it fits your risk tolerance.  Consider the AUG 13 Strike Calls with an initial stop at $13.80.

TEVA also triggered my alert this morning and is looking higher.  Consider the SEP 22 Calls with an initial stop of $22.30.

Remember all trade ideas are for your evaluation and consideration.

KHC Setup and Trade Plan

Today’s Featured Trade Idea is KHC.

To read more about this trade, see Rick’s blog post here.  However, members can listen to his detailed analysis in the trading room at 9:10am Eastern.

For now, here is my analysis and a potential trade plan made using our Trader Vision 20/20 software.

KHC has been forming a bottom for 3 months.  It is now in both a Rounded Bottom Breakout and Inverted Head & Shoulders pattern.  Tuesday it printed a nice Bullish Engulfing signal.  I will look for an Entry at Monday’s High with a Stop set below the Resistance Level broken Tuesday.  The Targets used were defined as Support/Resistance levels using the Weekly Chart.  Below is my markup of the chart and the trade plan as laid out by Trader Vision 20/20.  As a bonus, if you click the green button below, you’ll be able to watch a video of the chart markup and trade planning process.


The KHC Trade Setup – As of 6-19-18

KHC Setup as of 6-19-18


The KHC Trade Plan


KHC Trade Plan for 6-20-18

Note how Trader Vision 20/20 does so much of the work for you.  As we see above, Trader Vision shows you that the stock only needs to move 8.51% to make the Goal for the trade, while the anticipated second Target price would generate a 10.93% overall gain.  We also see that the Risk is low and the potential Reward decent.  Knowing the Risk, Reward and how far a stock must move to reach our goal…before a trade…really takes the pressure off.  No guesswork.  No surprises.  No emotional roller coaster.

To see a short video of this trade’s chart markup and trade planning, click the button below.


[button_2 color=”light-green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/epgcdgi9bAc” new_window=”Y”]Trade Plan Video[/button_2]


If you’re interested in putting the power to Trader Vision 20/20 to work for you, click below.

[button_2 color=”orange” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/product/trader-vision-20-20-monthly-subscription2/” new_window=”Y”]TV20/20 Software[/button_2]




Trader Vision immediately simplified the process…immediately it provided that information and guidance to me. I knew what I would risk for how much reward, I began taking trades off at the 1st target, 2nd target, I was no longer holding all my trades for the homerun. I also began implementing the stop losses if and when they were reached, not just hoping the stock would recover.  It then became easier to see what patterns were working for me and which were not.  It provided a much more relaxed and stress-free environment. –Joan G



Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and are not suitable for everyone. Ed Carter is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or investment advice to anyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.


KHC Rounded Bottom Breakout

KHC Rounded Bottom Breakout

KHC a Rounded Bottom Breakout pattern/strategy has presented it’s self as a possible trade. With an Inverted Head and Should chart pattern and a breakout of the 50-SMA and price action leading the way, KHC looks bullish to us. The Bullish Engulf yesterday closed over minor resistance the Dotted Duece and 200-SMA are now target areas. Minor pullbacks are normal and welcomed.

KHC Trade Plan Right Here

HRC Monthly Trading Results Right Here

HRC Current Trading Results January 1, 2018, to June 19, 2018, • Plus 240% or $12,085 profit. Learn and Earn with us.



Yesterday the SPY what pushed down to the 34-EMA and the May support line where is found a few buyers hanging out. During the day price action worked it was self up and closed back over the 20-SMA. So far the morning futures are leaning toward the buyer’s side. If yesterdays low holds we are building a nice higher low higher high stair step. Remember it the base hits that count

VXX – The VXX tried yesterday but no real success

Rick’s Trade-Ideas Reserved for Members

Focus Trading Education

Candlesticks • Price Action • T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trend • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Trade Planning, Fibonacci, Stoch/RSI

To learn more about our trading tools join us in the trading room or consider Private Coaching.


This is not your usual service that sends out a ton of stock recommendations, and then cherry picks the winners to show you how great they are. Hit and Run Candlesticks and Right Way Options are truly educational services. They taught me how to trade not what to trade. The entire team: Rick, Doug, Steve, and Ed are there to help and answer your questions. They are awesome. They cut years off my learning curve. And it’s a team effort. Everyone in the room (all the members) are there to help with invaluable insights and advice. The only service you will ever need. Thanks to all the team for how you have helped me and for all you do. –Jonathan Bolnick

Rare to have a service teach you how they find their choices but, HRC/RWO teach you how to fish instead of fishing for you. And, your ideas are not panned but shared, implemented, or improved. Sharing is caring. –Thomas Bradly



Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. or Rick Saddler is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone.




Triple Point Gap

Triple Point Gap

Triple Point GapAnother day, another triple point gap in the Dow as the markets try to come to grips with all the political uncertainty.  Having gaped down three days in a row and rallying each day off the lows has likely punished any traders the chased into short trades.  Today’s triple point gap up will certainly add insult to injury for those that stubbornly held on to those short positions.

With the market gaping higher this morning there will most certainly be traders that chase the gap up this morning by rushing into long positions.  Could they be just as wrong and equally punished at those that chased short?  The answer is obviously, Yes.  Chasing is a sign of an undisciplined trader trading emotionally.  It’s a bad habit that with cost you a lot of time and money.  I know because that was once me and it took a lot of hard work with the help of a trading coach to break me of this habit.  The solution, a good trading plan with rules that protected me from me and learning the discipline to follow them.  Don’t have a plan? Stop trading until you do.  Get some help and put your trading on a solid foundation.

On the Calendar

On the Economic Calendar, we have two potential market-moving reports today.  First, Existing Home Sales at 10:00 AM Eastern expect a bounce back in May to and annualized rate of 5.500 vs. 5.460 million in April.  Secondly, at 10:30 AM we get the latest reading on national oil supplies in the EIA Petroleum Status Report.  Other than that we have a group of Fed Speakers at 9:30 AM and a couple of reports, Current Account and Mortgage applications, none of which are expected to move the market.

On the Earnings Calendar, we have 19 companies reporting with MU being one of the most notable after the bell.

Action Plan

Three days in a row the market has gapped due to trade war fears yet each day the Bull have fought back rallying of the morning lows.  The Dow has taken the brunt of the selling and yesterday dipped below its 50-day average but managed to rally just enough to close back this important support level.  The SPY although closing lower on the day held support as the Bulls stepped up to defend the index lifting it well of the morning lows.  The QQQ briefly dipped below price support but came back nicely, and the IWM rallied to print a new record hi

Politically charged price action has been a challenge the last few trading days, and I would expect that to continue until we finally get some resolution on trade disputes.  This morning Dow Futures are looking higher and once again expected to gap more than 100 points sharing the pain with those that happened to chase into short trades.  Keep in mind; it’s equally wrong to chase long trades on a gap up open with so much uncertainty swirling around.  To reduce potential volatility look to stock holding solid trends that are primarily domestic companies as they are less affected in a trade war escalation.

Trade Wisley,


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/iFhL2PuEX3c”]Morning Market Prep Video[/button_2]

More Uncertainty

More Uncertainty

UncertaintyWe wake this morning to more uncertainty with new threats and a possible escalation in the so-called trade war.  Markets around the world declined in response, and the US Futures are responding in kind indicating a gap down of 300 Dow points or more.  Politics aside all this uncertainty is greatly elevating the level of risk for traders.  I have said it before and will say it again, periods of political uncertainty creates challenging times for traders.

As long as the threatening rhetoric and tariff increases continue, we can expect unreliable action signals, fast overnight reversals, and intraday whipsaws that could challenge even the most experienced trader.  I believe cooler heads will eventually prevail because elected officials always want to be reelected and the destruction of the market would not bode well for them.  Until then we should plan for some nasty turbulence.

On the Calendar

The Tuesday Economic Calendar begins the day the potential market-moving Housing Starts Report at 8:30 AM Eastern.  Forecasters expect a surge in housing starts to 1.320 million annualized-up from 1.287 million in April’s reading.  Permits are also remaining strong with a 1.350 million expectation vs. Aprils 1.352 million.  Year-on-year starts are up 10.5 percent with permits up 7.7 percent.  After that, we have the Redbook at 8:55 AM and two bond auctions at 11:30 which are not expected to move the market.

On the Earnings Calendar, we have only 14 companies reporting today the most notable coming after the bell with reports from FDX and ORCL.

Action Plan

Yesterday saw a nasty gap down in the market in reaction to the trade war threats being launched back and forth between the US and China.  However, the Bulls managed to find the energy to rally closing most of the gap by the close of the day with Dow down only 0.40%.  The IWM reached out to new record highs for the index with both the QQQ and SPY closing only marginally lower.  Seeing the Bulls fighting back with such vigor had me hopefull they have a chance to follow-through higher today, but once again political uncertainty raised it’s ugly head overnight.

New threats from the White House of sent the Asian markets sharply lower and the US futures have followed suit.  Currently, Dow Futures are pointing to a gap down of 300 points as trade war jitters escalate.  The economy is strong, but unfortunately, traders face a very uncertain market with our leaders unable to play nice with each other.  Let’s hope cooler heads will prevail soon.  Until then trade with caution because each day could bring another big overnight reversal.

Trade Wisely,


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/AUWjr2sHAhI”]Morning Market Prep Video[/button_2]

SDOW Setup and Trade Plan Trade Jitters Edition

Today’s Featured Trade Idea is SDOW.

To read more about this trade, see Rick’s blog post here.  However, members can listen to his detailed analysis in the trading room at 9:10am Eastern.

For now, here is my analysis and a potential trade plan made using our Trader Vision 20/20 software.

SDOW has been in a serious downtrend for some time as the Bulls have been in charge.  However, on overnight TRade fears (the President’s threat to add another $200billion to the tariffs imposed on China) the Dow futures are diving lower overnight.  This is a very unsettled market picture, as it would be easy for calmer heads to “walk back” the threats, but equally possible the Chinese could retaliate in their own “message through the media.”  So, I will be looking to force the SDOW Bulls (market Bears) to demonstrate follow-through above the 50sma before looking to Enter.  Even then, I’ll only look for a short-term move and hope to catch a pop up to the 200sma. Below is my markup of the chart and the trade plan as laid out by Trader Vision 20/20.  As a bonus, if you click the green button below, you’ll be able to watch a video of the chart markup and trade planning process.

No Trade Executed  –  Order Cancelled (Don’t let it ride)


The SDOW Trade Setup – As of 6-18-18

SDOW as of 6-18-19 SDOW 6-18-19 4-day

The SDOW Trade Plan

SDOW Trade Plan 6-19-18


Note how Trader Vision 20/20 does so much of the work for you.  As we see above, Trader Vision shows you that the stock only needs to move 8.8% to make the Goal for the trade, while the anticipated first Target price would generate a 10.44% gain.  We also see that the Risk is low and the potential Reward decent.  Knowing the Risk, Reward and how far a stock must move to reach our goal…before a trade…really takes the pressure off.  No guesswork.  No surprises.  No emotional roller coaster.

To see a short video of this trade’s chart markup and trade planning, click the button below.


[button_2 color=”light-green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/7Pi88rFxxyE” new_window=”Y”]Trade Plan Video[/button_2]



If you’re interested in putting the power to Trader Vision 20/20 to work for you, click below.

[button_2 color=”orange” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/product/trader-vision-20-20-monthly-subscription2/” new_window=”Y”]TV20/20 Software[/button_2]




Trader Vision immediately simplified the process…immediately it provided that information and guidance to me. I knew what I would risk for how much reward, I began taking trades off at the 1st target, 2nd target, I was no longer holding all my trades for the homerun. I also began implementing the stop losses if and when they were reached, not just hoping the stock would recover.  It then became easier to see what patterns were working for me and which were not.  It provided a much more relaxed and stress-free environment. –Joan G



Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and are not suitable for everyone. Ed Carter is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or investment advice to anyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.
