Trade Ideas October 13, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

No featured trade idea today,

Trading is not always about looking for the next hot stock, it’s also about managing what you have.

My entry plan idea:

My stop plan idea:

Beware Profit Traders we are entering earnings season

This Week’s Economic Calendar—> Click Here

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Trade Ideas October 9, 2014


Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

TKMR/Long (Healthcare Sector Biotechnology) TKMR has been trending nicely from late July this year with little rallies and pullbacks.  It has recently pulled back to the 20-day simple moving average and formed a bullish harami yesterday.  The lower wick is not quite long enough to call a hammer.  A swing from yesterday’s close to the recent high is about 25% — excellent money in its own right and about 30% to a double-top test.  Most everyone in the Hit & Run Candlesticks trading room either owns it now or is considering it.  Thank you to all the members that have been talking about it and posting this ticker in the room.

My entry plan idea:   (Currently own shares at 23.20) Will consider adding more above the 20-day period moving average and on a breakout of the T-Line
My stop plan idea:  A close below 22.35

Beware Profit Traders we are entering earnings season

This Week’s Economic Calendar—> Click Here

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Trade Ideas October 8, 2014


Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

SIMO/Long (Technology Sector Semiconductors) SIMO gapped over the big three yesterday from a doji continuation pattern, also known as a doji sandwich.  I am looking for about 12% on SIMO.

My entry plan idea:   Buy at the open to negotiate a better price

My stop plan idea:  A close below 26.82

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Trade Ideas October 7, 2014


 Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

TZA/Long (Small Bear ETF)  TZA was a featured trade idea on September 5 of this year.  A cool 26% could have been yours before the bearish harami on October 2.  TZA has now pulled back to the T-Line forming a doji followed by a bullish engulf.  This is what we at Hit & Run Candlesticks call a PBO (pullback opportunity).

My entry plan idea:   Buy above 17.14

My stop plan idea:  A close below the T-Line

Member E-Learning
Tonight’s member e-learning will be held live at 5:30 PM Eastern and we will recast the members E-Learning at 8 PM Eastern.  Both will be in the live trading room.   Good Profit Trading – See you in the Room

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Trade Ideas October 6, 2014


Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

BLOX/Long (Technology/Communication Equipment) BLOX was a featured trade idea on September 25 and remained on our members’ featured list.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, BLOX entered the PBO (pullback opportunity) area.  BLOX is poised to breakout of the bullish J-Hook pattern headed for the 200-day moving average.

My entry plan idea:   (All ready long) I will be adding more to my BLOX above 15.28

My stop plan idea:  A close below the T-Line

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Trade Ideas October 3, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

RALY/Long (Technology Sector Software) RALY Has been in a RBB pattern (rounded bottom breakout) from the gap of August 29, for about a month now it’s been walking along the T-Line and looks like it’s ready to finish its run to the 200 period moving average which is approximately 12% away. With a successful bullish breakout of the 200 period moving average I see another 20% possible. Remember to consider the direction of the overall market as it can benefit and harm you.

My entry plan idea:   Positive trading above the T-Line

My stop plan idea: A close below the T-Line

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Trade Ideas October 2, 2014

 Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

CAMP (Communication Equipment) CAMPIs breaking down from a downward base and a blue ice failure pattern on the daily chart.  The weekly chart is also below the 50 period  Moving average and looks to be headed toward the 200 simple moving average.

My entry plan idea:   Will be to wait for a relief rally in short this trade at a better price, near 16.90 maybe

My stop plan idea:  Bullishness over 15.51 Continue Reading

Trade Ideas October 1, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

LYB (Specialty Chemicals) has formed a RTB (rounded top breakdown) and a blue ice failure. LYB is in the process of putting in lower highs and yesterday closed back below the 50-day moving average on pretty good volume. With continued weakness and bearish follow-through, an $8 to $12 drop is very possible.

My entry plan idea:   I would prefer to short on an inside day, but I might have to settle for weakness below yesterday’s close with a caution not to chase it. I may be able to pick it up on a relief rally.
My stop plan idea: Today it will be completely dependent on where the buy is, but anything above the 50-day moving average would suggest the buyers are back in town.

Good Morning,

I have two ticker symbols I would like to share with you. The first one is the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF VTI. If you open up your charts with VTI, you can see how this correction started with the candlestick bearish engulf, had follow-through and is currently below the 50-day moving average and has consistently been below the T-Line. Another chart I would like to share is the
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Trade Ideas September 30-14

Today’s Swing Trade Ideas

NQ (Technology Sector Software Application) NQ Is a rounded bottom breakout with about 20% to the first target of the July 30 high and about 60% to the 200 day period moving average. NQ started with a Bullish Engulf on July 18 followed up with a rally and then consolidated along the big 3 for a couple of months. Over the past two weeks we’ve seen a double bottom, Bullish Engulf, bullish consolidation with follow-through.

My entry plan idea: (Long on September 23) I will add to NQ on consolidation in the buy box or a bullish breakout.

My stop plan idea: Current stop plan is a close below $6.30

  • NQ, GPRO, BLOX, HIMX big hits from the H&R trading room several days ago ahead of the crowed.


Member E-learning tonight at 8 PM EST in the live trading room.

FYI, the trading room password will be changing after E-learning.

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Trade Ideas September 26, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Idea

No featured trade idea today
My entry plan ideas:

Good Morning,
SPY: It’s my opinion the market is beginning to form a top and we should see price fall further yet. It’s also my opinion that we will see relief along the way. Until I see a bullish bottom constructed, I will lean toward more short setups and inverse ETF long trades. I will pick up a few long trades, but I will also tighten up my rules on profit taking and stops.

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