Breakout On GRUB See the Buy Box

Breakout On GRUB

Breakout On GRUBThe breakout on GRUB suggests the buyers plan to push the price higher. Price action found itself digging for support around the 34-EMA and 50-SMA, turns out that area is also high before a bullish pullback on November 27, January 11. A Bullish Harami was printed followed by a higher high and a higher low. (A bullish chain created)

To learn more about my trading tools join me in the trading room or consider Private Coaching. Rick will help coach you to trading success.

Today At 9:10 AM ET. We will demonstrate live how GRUB could be traded using our Simple Proven Swing Trade Tools

Learn the Power Of Simple Trading Techniques

On January 17, Rick shared THC as a trade for members to consider and how to use the trading tools listed below. Friday the profits would have been about 17.1% or $277.00 with 100 shares. Using our Simple, Proven Swing Trade Tools and techniques to achieve swing trade profits.

Candlesticks • Price Action T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Continuation Patterns • Trade Planning… Learn More

► Eyes On The Market

Another very positive week for the indices, the SPY, DIA’s and QQQ’s produced closed the week with another new high while IWM made a new high but did not close with a new high. SMA had to deal with a gap down and removed the best it could Friday. IYT printed a Bearish Engulf 9 days ago and had not recovered. IYT lost the help of the T-Line on Wednesday of last week and now is relying on the 20-SMA for a little support.

The VXX short-term futures seen to be acting a bit bullish in spite of the overall market bullishness or lack of fear. The T-Line has maintained a cross over itself for the last 3 bars, and the last 3 bars are on the bullish side of the 20-SMA. Price action has been shaped by the bulls for about the last 11 trading days.

Rick’s Swing Trade ideas

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Candlesticks • Price Action T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Continuation Patterns


Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone except for the trading desk of Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc.



Focus on price action.

Focus on price action.

Focus on price actionThe last couple days of trading the bears have reminded us that they are still lurking about looking for weaknesses.  Even though their testing has not yet yielded much in the way of results, it’s been a good reminder to focus on price action for clues of their attacks.  It’s noteworthy that as the market continues to march higher, the VIX has slowly crept up as well.  As of now the bulls are in control, but there is a good reason to have a heightened awareness if the bears continue to test the battle-line.  Friday’s have lately been very strong, and I suspect the bulls will fight hard to do the same today.  As this bull run gets very long in the tooth don’t forget to take some profits to the bank.

On the Calendar

We have three important reports on the Economic Calendar this Friday all coming in at 8:30 AM Eastern.  The Durable Goods consensus expects a 0.6% gain with ex-transportation also seen up a solid 0.6%.  The Core Durable Goods orders are expected to come in at 0.5% which is also very strong.  Next, we have the first GDP estimate for the fourth quarter that is expected to decline just slightly to 2.9%  Consumer spending is expected to have a strong showing rising to 3.6%.  Then comes the International Trade in Goods deficit is seen narrowing slightly to 69.0 billion vs. the 70.0 billion in November.  After that, we have three additional reports that are not expected to move the market.

We get a little Friday break on the Earnings Calendar only showing 44 companies reporting results today.  Next week will be a very busy week with over 500 companies scheduled to fess-up on earnings.

Action Plan

Yesterday it was the DIA doing all the heavy lifting setting a new record high as a result of the great earnings out of CAT and MMM.  The SPY, QQQ, and IWM all decided to take a little rest yesterday that at one point threatened to slip south.  However, the bulls stepped in just before it became critical buying lifing them back into a safe zone.  Overall uptrends continue to hold, and the bulls remain in control.

The new normal seems to be that every day the bulls pump up the Futures markets and today is no different.  Currently, the Dow Futures are pointing to more than a 50 point gap up that could print above 26,500.  Both the QQQ’s and the SPY are also indicating the possibility of new record high prints at the open. What an amazing bull run!  Stay with the trend because it has without question been our best friend since the beginning of the year.  Remember Friday is a very good day to bank some profits ahead of the weekend.

Trade Wisely,


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News and Updates

News and Updates

News and Updates




Trader Vision 20/20

We are constantly improving our service for you, keep reading to learn the latest of our new and updates.The first rollout of Trader Vision 20/20 was last week, another group of traders will be able to download Trader Vision this Sunday, and just a few days after we will open the doors to everyone. Trader Vision 20/20 on Youtube ►

Events Calendar  

We now have an Events Calendar so you can keep up with webinars and workshops from Hit and Run Candlesticks, Right Way Option, Trader Vision 20/20, Looking Ahead with Steve Risner, and TradeHawk. Click to look ►

A New Training Room

We have created a new Traning room (Room 3) for training, education, coaching and special events. All the rooms are found by clicking the big green ►“Live Trading Room” button at the top of any Hit and Run Candlesticks web page.

Today At 9:10 AM ET.

Each Morning before the market opens Rick and the HRC members meet up to discuss today’s trade ideas. Rick, we will demonstrate live how each trade could be traded using our Simple Proven Swing Trade Tools

Candlesticks • Price Action T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Continuation Patterns • Trade Planning… Learn More

Eyes On The Market

Bulls continue to control the market for the most part. The is SPY trending, but the last two closes were not impressive, still trading above the T-Line. DIA’s are trading above the T-Line and has closed higher three out of the past four trading days. Both IWM and QQQ’s printed Bearish Engulfs and inside Harami days, holding above the T-Line keeps the swing trade bulls in charge. The price actions need work, or the sellers could start thinking they have some juice.

The VXX short-term futures are trying to construct a bottom,  now with a Lower Low and a Higher High over the T-Line. For two days now the VXX has challenged the 34-EMA with no success. We are watching the construction carefully; we are currently long VXX with a stop in place.

Rick’s Swing Trade ideas

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Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone except for the trading desk of Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc.



Filling the gap.

Filling the gap.

Filling the gapThe market has gone up so long, and so strongly it’s shocking when we see a quick reversal filling the gap.  It was likely a painful wake-up call for some traders, which complacently chased the morning gap.  As bad as it may have seemed the market up-trend did not break.  The bulls are still in control, but we must always remember that the bears can attack at any time.  We must always be focused and prepared.  As earnings continue to roll out increased volatility is possible.

On the Calendar

The Thursday Economic Calendar gets going at 8:30 AM with the weekly Jobless Claims.  Consensus has the number coming in around 240K and continuing to be considered full employment.  At 10:00 AM is New Home Sales is forecast to come in with a  very solid 680,000 annualized rate.  Other than that we have several lessor reports that are very unlikely to move the market as well as several bond related actions.

The Earnings Calendar hits its high point for the week with over 160 companies stepping up to report.  Make sure you are checking reporting dates and have a plan that protects your capital.

Action Plan

New record high prints across all 4-major indexes with the futures gapped the markets higher at the open.  Chasing the gap bulls seem to rush in pushing the Dow up nearly 170 points in the early session.  But then the market seemed to run out of gas selling off and filling the gap which is something we have not seen for a long time.   The last two months alone have left many unfilled gaps behind due to the strength of this bull run.  It serves as good reminder that the market can quickly change character.  Traders have to always be on their toes and ready to quickly adapt to the changing condition.  A focus on price action is the first best place to see conditions shift.  Price is always the best leading indicator.

After filling the morning gap, the buy the dip traders rushed back keeping the uptrend intact.  Futures are once again pushing for a gap up open.  The bull will not give up this fight easily especially with the expectation of very good earnings reports.  However, yesterdays price action is a clue that increased volatility, and quick reversals are possible during earnings.  If you’re in the market, always stay focused and never let your guard down.  Complacency is an account killer!

Trade Wisely,


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America Runs On DNKN DNKN bullish over $65.95


America Runs On DNKN

America Runs On DNAmerica Runs On DNKN, The DNKN brand broke and had created a Bullish J-Hook Continuation pattern that could lead to the $90.00 area with typical bullish price action. The recent Bullish Morning Star was a clue to the recent reversal, and higher lows and bullish price action help create the bullish candle stacking. With support around $65.95, a good entry would be near the support line.

To learn more about my trading tools join me in the trading room or consider Private Coaching. Rick will help coach you to trading success.

Today At 9:10 AM ET. We will demonstrate live how DNKN could be traded using our Simple Proven Swing Trade Tools

Learn the Power Of Simple Trading Techniques

On October 23, Rick shared GWW as a trade for members to consider and how to use the trading tools listed below. Yesterday the profits would have been about 18.5% or $64160.00 with 100 shares. Using our Simple, Proven Swing Trade Tools and techniques to achieve swing trade profits.

[button_2 color=”blue” align=”center” href=”” new_window=”Y”]Learn The Tools • Learn The Trade • Get Out OF Your Own Way[/button_2]

Candlesticks • Price Action T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Continuation Patterns • Trade Planning… Learn More

Eyes On The Market

Briefly, the SPY felt the breath of the bear yesterday, but by the end of the day, the buyers were able to control the bear’s breath and close the SPY near the middle of its daily candle. IWM ended the day with a Bearish Engulf the bulls will need to pay attention. More sellers could drive IWM below the T-Line…Keep a watchful eye. The QQQ’s also printed a Bearish Engulf with better than average volume, watch price action and the short term trend.

The VXX short-term futures ventured out yesterday and peaked above its recent highs then closed back under cover. Even with a close below the recent highs, the VXX managed to close above the T-Line High; the last seven bars are supported by the T-Line Low Indicator. Price action has printed a Low – High – Higher Low. Just saying.

Rick’s Swing Trade ideas

Member Login – Full Daily List

30-Day TrialMonthlyQuarterlySemi-AnnualAnnual

Candlesticks • Price Action T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Continuation Patterns


Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone except for the trading desk of Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc.



January 24, 2018 Webinar [Replay] T-Line, Trend, Price Action - Let's Put it Together

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Candlesticks • Price Action T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Continuation Patterns • Trade Planning

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