Rollercoaster Ride

Rollercoaster Ride

Rollercoaster RideAnother day and another wild rollercoaster ride as the Futures respond sharply higher on the news that the US and China are coming back to the trade negotiation table.  Dow Futures currently indicate about a 200 point gap up at the open which will be about 425 points above yesterdays low.  Wow, that’s some very difficult volatility to deal with unless you’re a very fast day trader that also happens to trade overnight.

If you’re a swing trader or position trader your, this kind of price action is without question very challenging.  Wild swings like this can also inspire poor emotional decision making the and keeping traders off balance.  If you don’t feel you have an edge in this wild volatility, then don’t fight it.  Step back take a breath and re-engage the market with a clear head when your edge returns.

On the Calendar

We start off Thursday on a dead run with three important market-moving reports at 8:30 AM Eastern.   Housing Starts are expecting a decline to 1.271 million in July vs. 1.173 in June with permits rising to a 1.307 million rate.  Weekly Jobless Claims expect to continue to show very strong labor demand with a consensus for today of 215,000 wish is 2000 higher than the last reading.  Finally, the Philly Fed Business Outlook Survey expects to report a strong 22.5 according to the consensus estimate which seems to be continuously lower than the actual number.   We have the Natural Gas Report @ 10:30 AM, 2-Bond Announcements @ 11:00 AM, The Fed Balance Sheet & Money Supply @ 4:30 PM none of which would be expected to move the market.

On the Earnings Calendar, we show 52 companies are scheduled to fess up to their results today.  Before the bell, we will hear from JCP, JD, and WMT.  After the close AMAT, NVDA & JWN are among those reporting.

Action Plan

Asian markets were lower overnight and appear under stress after making a four-year low.  European markets, however, are all showing gains this morning.  After another rollercoaster ride yesterday we look to keep the wild price action going with another full overnight reversal at the open.  Responding to the report that China and the US are coming back to the trade negotiation table have futures flying high this morning.  Currently, the Dow Futures indicate a gap up of near 200 points at the open.

With big morning gaps also comes the possibility of whipsaws so plan your entries carefully and be careful not to chase.  Keep in mind, at the open today; the Dow will be about 425 points higher than it was at yesterdays low.  Now that’s some wicked volatility to deal with when trying a matain an edge.

Trade Wisely,


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”″]Morning Market Prep Video[/button_2]

No Blog Thursday

Sorry folks, but I will be out of town in the morning.  So there will be no Trader Vision 20/20 Featured Trade Idea Setup and Trade Plan for Thursday.

8-14-18 Public e-Learning

The Rounded Bottom Breakout Pattern

In this video, Rick Saddler discusses the current market conditions and reviews many charts, talking about the current setup and how to analyze a potential trade.

1 hour 5 minutes

Candlesticks • Price Action • T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trend • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Trade Planning, Fibonacci, Stoch/RSI

[video_player type=”embed” style=”1″ dimensions=”custom” width=”640″ height=”480″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ ipad_color=”black”]PGlmcmFtZSBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxheWVyLnZpbWVvLmNvbS92aWRlby8yODUwOTUzMzQiIHdpZHRoPSI2NDAiIGhlaWdodD0iNDgwIiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgd2Via2l0YWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSIiIG1vemFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbj0iIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49IiI+PC9pZnJhbWU+Cg==[/video_player]




Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and are not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks or it’s associates should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service

[testimonials style=”8″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Alan%20Helmstetter” company=”” href=””]%3Cp%3EI’ve%20been%20managing%20my%20own%20money%20for%20many%20years%20and%20have%20been%20interested%20and%20dabbled%20in%20trading%20stocks.%20I%20joined%20some%20services%20over%20the%20years%2C%20but%20none%20worked%20for%20me.%20I%20am%20getting%20closer%20to%20retirement%20and%20wanted%20to%20learn%20more%20about%20trading%20stocks%20as%20something%20to%20do%20in%20retirement%20and%20to%20supplement%20income.%20I%20learned%20all%20about%20candlesticks.%20Did%20much%20paper%20trading%20of%20stocks.%20Results%20were%20good%2Fbad%20and%20never%20got%20ahead.%20Came%20across%20a%20free%20HRC%20webinar%20and%20really%20liked%20the%20approach.%20Joined%20a%20month%20trial%20and%20also%20attended%20an%20RWO%20webinar.%20Decided%20to%20join%20RWO%20because%20of%20the%20options%20approach%20and%20have%20been%20a%20member%20for%20four%20months.%20Rick%20and%20Doug%20are%20the%20real%20deal.%20Both%20are%20amazing%20at%20reading%20charts%2Fprice%20as%20well%20as%20teaching%20their%20expertise.%20In%20the%20daily%20chatroom%20you%20will%20get%20potential%20trades%2C%20but%20more%20importantly%2C%20you%20will%20become%20part%20of%20a%20team%2C%20learn%20how%20to%20identify%20trades%20and%20even%20more%20importantly%20how%20to%20properly%20plan%20and%20manage%20trades.%20You%20know%20the%20adage%20–%20%22You%20give%20a%20man%20a%20fish%2C%20and%20you%20feed%20him%20for%20a%20day.%20You%20teach%20him%20to%20fish%2C%20and%20you%20give%20him%20an%20occupation%20that%20will%20feed%20him%20for%20a%20lifetime.%22%20%3Cstrong%3EGive%20them%20a%20try%20you%20will%20not%20regret%20it!%3C%2Fstrong%3E%3C%2Fp%3E%0A



An absolute mess!

An absolute mess!

An absolute mess!The price action this week has been an absolute mess!  Intraday whipsaw and daily overnight reversals have added a layer of complexity to an already very challenging market.  When markets go through choppy periods like this, it’s common for traders to lose substantial sums of capital.  It’s important for every trader remember that you have a choice.  You can continue to fight the chop giving up your edge and watching your account shrink, or you can stand aside protecting you’re capital until your edge returns.

Cash is a position, and in this choppy mess, it may be your very best position.  Trading is a marathon it’s not a sprint, and you don’t have to prove anything to the market.  If your frustrated and losing money then stop fighting because it’s very easy to compound the losses in this kind of chop.  Your edge will eventually return, and good price action will resume, but the question is will you have the capital or the confidence to take advantage of it when it does.

On the Calendar

There is no shortage of potential market-moving reports on this Wednesday’s Economic Calendar.  At 8:30 AM Retail Sales expect only a 0.1 percent gain in July due to weakness in vehicle sales.  Also at 8:30 the Empire State Mfg Survey expect a slight decline to 20.0 in August vs. the 22.6 July reading while the Productivity and Cost report looks for a gain of 2.5 percent.  The 9:15 AM Industrial Production report expects a 0.3 percent gain with manufacturing also moving up by 0.3%.  Business Inventories an increase of 0.1 percent and the Housing Market Index is expected to remain flat both coming out at 10:00 AM.   The unforecast EIA Petroleum Status Report is at 10:30 AM, and we wrap up this busy day with Treasury International Capital at 4:00 PM.

On the Earnings Calendar, we show only 38 companies reporting.  Before the bell, we will hear from M, and after the bell, CSCO and NTAP step up to the plate.  Stay on your toes even though earnings season has started winding down.

Action Plan

This morning the Futures are pointing another overnight whipsaw that looks to reverse yesterdays move higher.  Even though Turkey’s is in the midst of a serious debt crisis with there currency wildly fluctuating, they decided to put tariffs on US cars and booze.  I guess misery, really does love company.  Currently, the Dow Futures are suggesting a gap down of nearly 150 points at the open.

I have to say August 2018 has thus far become one of the most frustratingly choppy months we have experienced in a long time.  The daily gaps and intraday whipsaws this week has only added another layer of frustration and removed any doubt that a swing traders edge has left the building.  If you’re finding your capital is getting chopped up, its time to stand aside and stop fighting this messy price action.  Remember Cash is a position!

Trade Wisely,


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=””]Morning Market Prep Video[/button_2]

Daily Morning Star Gives Clues ENDP • Swing Trade Bullish above $16.35 • Stop $14.95

Daily Morning Star Gives Clues

On the ENDP daily chart, the Morning Star Signal is giving us a clue the bulls are looking for a higher stock price. The trend on ENDP has been strong, and a T-Line Run most of the time. The recent gap followed by three lower lows and yesterdays bullish close has put together the Morning Star Star signal. The weekly chart ENDP is a perfect (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout that has reached the Dotted Duece. For more details on the ENDP trade, please click the following link. Get the complete details including Fibonacci details TV2020 trade plan right here

Past performance is not indicative of future returns

Good Trading, Rick, and Trading Team

Monthly Trading Results updated the first week of each month

What is Rick is adding to his trade watchlist today? A 246% plus increase in 7 months can’t be all wrong.  Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching


SPY • Choppy Slow Grind

The buyers were able to close the SPY back above the T-Line yesterday, but the $284.25 area is proving a little hard for the buyers to get through. On the daily chart, the Island reversal pattern a few days ago dug it heals in. Now a Head and Shoulders pattern is starting to become possible.

On the weekly chart, the bullish Engulf and the bullish T-Line run is still intact working with signs of reaching out higher. Today’s pre-market futures are a bit weak but still above this weeks low. (7:30 AM EST. when I wrote this blog)


The market is still choppy, but in a slow grind climbing the wall of worry. Note a choppy market is hard to trade for most retail traders. The last few days we have seen a mix are of fantastic bullish and short trade setups. Banks profits when you have them, keep greed at bay. Don’t allow a losing trade to get away from you, stops save.

****VXX – The VXX chart is trying to get through the 50-SMA if it does we could see a change in the downtrend line.

Focus Trading Education

Candlesticks • Price Action • T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trend • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Trade Planning, Fibonacci, Stoch/RSI



This is not your usual service that sends out a ton of stock recommendations, and then cherry picks the winners to show you how great they are. Hit and Run Candlesticks and Right Way Options are truly educational services. They taught me how to trade not what to trade. The entire team: Rick, Doug, Steve, and Ed are there to help and answer your questions. They are awesome. They cut years off my learning curve. And it’s a team effort. Everyone in the room (all the members) are there to help with invaluable insights and advice. The only service you will ever need. Thanks to all the team for how you have helped me and for all you do. –Jonathan Bolnick

Rare to have a service teach you how they find their choices but, HRC/RWO teach you how to fish instead of fishing for you. And, your ideas are not panned but shared, implemented, or improved. Sharing is caring. –Thomas Bradly



Past performance is not indicative of future returns

Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, Right Way Option, Trader Vision 2020 or Rick Saddler, Doug Campbell, Ed Carter, Steve Risner is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler, Doug Campbell, Ed Carter, Steve Risner is not a licensed financial adviser nor do they offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone.



ENDP Setup and Trade Plan

Today’s Featured Trade Idea is ENDP.

Members can hear Rick’s detailed review in the trading room at 9:10am Eastern.  For now, here is my analysis and a potential trade plan made using our Trader Vision 20/20 software.

ENDP has been in a strong rally since early May. After a huge “Gap and run up” day on earnings, it took profit for a few days. However the Bulls have stepped back in the last couple days to create either a Bullish “Trader’s Best Friend” or Morning Star type signal…and is forming a J-hook.

I will be looking for follow-through to buy above Tuesday’s high using the convergence of Weekly S/R levels with Fib Extensions as my Targets. Beware I am using a large Stop on this one…so think about whether his matches your own risk profile.

Notice I’ve made special note that I am only looking to Enter on a successful retest of Support, with the buy on the way back up.

Trader Vision 20/20 shows us that earnings are out of the way. It also tells us that we have 6 Bullish conditions and no Bearish conditions…making this an attractive setup.

TV20/20 then tells us that this Trade Plan has a constraint. Notice that due to the large Stop (8.6%), we can only take a small positions size (1.6% of the account) while keeping our “Risk to Stop” below the threshold we set for this account ($150). However, this trade can work. It would give us a 2.4:1 ($339: $141) Reward/Risk at the 1st Target. We would not reach our entire Trade Goal if we had to sell right there.

However, not far above Target #1, we could book our entire Trade Goal. If we were able to sell half at Target #1 and hold the remainder up to Target #2, you can see we will easily make our Trade Goal. In fact, that would give us a > 26% ($431.50) overall profit on the trade.

Having this knowledge before a trade is even entered makes it much easier to control emotions and maintain discipline.

Below is my markup of the chart and the trade plan as laid out by Trader Vision 20/20.  As a bonus, if you click the green button below, you’ll be able to watch a video of the chart markup and trade planning process.

The ENDP Trade Setup – As of 8-14-18

ENDP Setup as of 8-14-18

The Trade Plan

ENDP Trade Plan for 8-15-18

Note how Trader Vision 20/20 does so much of the work for you.  Knowing the ratio of Bullish Conditions to Bearish ones as well as the overall risk of the position size, risk to Stop out and the Reward possible at each Target price can help a great deal with controlling our emotions.  Knowing the dollar impact of every scenario ahead of time, allows us to make calm decisions during the trade.  It really takes the pressure off.  No guesswork.  No surprises.  No emotional roller coaster.

To see a short video of this trade’s chart markup and trade planning, click the button below.


[button_2 color=”light-green” align=”center” href=”” new_window=”Y”]Trade Plan Video[/button_2]


Put the power to Trader Vision 20/20 to work for you…

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Trader Vision immediately simplified the process…immediately it provided that information and guidance to me. I knew what I would risk for how much reward, I began taking trades off at the 1st target, 2nd target, I was no longer holding all my trades for the homerun. I also began implementing the stop losses if and when they were reached, not just hoping the stock would recover.  It then became easier to see what patterns were working for me and which were not.  It provided a much more relaxed and stress-free environment. –Joan G



Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and are not suitable for everyone. Ed Carter is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or investment advice to anyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.


DRIP Setup and Trade Plan

Warning…this blog contains trade IDEAS…not recommendations.  And there is no law saying you have to trade every day.

Today’s Featured Trade Idea is DRIP.

Members can hear Rick’s detailed review in the trading room at 9:10am Eastern.  For now, here is my analysis and a potential trade plan made using our Trader Vision 20/20 software.

DRIP has formed a bottom and has been putting in higher-highs and higher-lows since the first half of June. It has broken into a RBB pattern and took out a Weekly resistance level on a strong day Monday.

I will look for an inside day buy, hoping to even see a successful retest to prove the broken Resistance is now Support with a Target up at the next Weekly Resistance (about $7.30). If we are very lucky in a choppy market, the 2nd Target is up about $8.25.

Being an ETF, we have no earnings to worry about. Trader Vision 20/20 tells us we have 5 Bullish conditions and only 1 Bearish condition for this Setup. So it is worth considering.  TV20/20 shows us this Trade Plan can offer a 3.28: 1 ($108:$354) Reward/Risk at Target #1 and if we were lucky enough to get a trend here, 5.86:1 ($633:$108) at the 2nd Target.

Notice I’ve made special note that I am only looking to Enter on a successful retest of Support, with the buy on the way back up.


Having this knowledge before a trade is even entered makes it much easier to control emotions and maintain discipline.

Below is my markup of the chart and the trade plan as laid out by Trader Vision 20/20.  As a bonus, if you click the green button below, you’ll be able to watch a video of the chart markup and trade planning process.

The DRIP Trade Setup – As of 8-13-18

DRIP Chart Setup as of 8-13-18

The Trade Plan

DRIP Trade Plan for 8-14-18

Note how Trader Vision 20/20 does so much of the work for you.  Knowing the ratio of Bullish Conditions to Bearish ones as well as the overall risk of the position size, risk to Stop out and the Reward possible at each Target price can help a great deal with controlling our emotions.  Knowing the dollar impact of every scenario ahead of time, allows us to make calm decisions during the trade.  It really takes the pressure off.  No guesswork.  No surprises.  No emotional roller coaster.

To see a short video of this trade’s chart markup and trade planning, click the button below.


[button_2 color=”light-green” align=”center” href=”” new_window=”Y”]Trade Plan Video[/button_2]


Put the power to Trader Vision 20/20 to work for you…

[button_2 color=”orange” align=”center” href=”” new_window=”Y”]TV20/20 Software[/button_2]




Trader Vision immediately simplified the process…immediately it provided that information and guidance to me. I knew what I would risk for how much reward, I began taking trades off at the 1st target, 2nd target, I was no longer holding all my trades for the homerun. I also began implementing the stop losses if and when they were reached, not just hoping the stock would recover.  It then became easier to see what patterns were working for me and which were not.  It provided a much more relaxed and stress-free environment. –Joan G



Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and are not suitable for everyone. Ed Carter is not a licensed financial adviser nor does he offer trade recommendations or investment advice to anyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc. is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.


Inverted Head and Shoulder On DRIP Swing Trade Idea DRIP Bullish above $6.68

Inverted Head and Shoulder On DRIP

I see an Inverted Head and Shoulder has formed on the S&P Oil and Gas Exploration (ETF) DRIP. Yesterday buyers push price action above the Inverted H&S resistant line. Price and the T-Line have crossed above the 34-EMA and 50-SMA. DRIP has also become an (RBB) Rounded Bottom Breakout pattern. If bought we will look for about $7.30 and $8.25 as possible profit zones. For more details on the DRIP trade, please click the following link. Get the complete details including Fibonacci details TV2020 trade plan right here

Past performance is not indicative of future returns

Good Trading, Rick, and Trading Team

Monthly Trading Results updated the first week of each month

What is Rick is adding to his trade watchlist today? A 246% plus increase in 7 months can’t be all wrong.  $14.00 30-day trial


SPY • It’s Been Bumpy

Yesterday the SPY ran into more bumps causing a new low to close below the T-Line. The recent candle price action (Island Reversal), (Doji Bearish Engulf) shows the buyers have taken a break.

Today Tuesday, August 14, Premarket the futures are up a bit and HD beat on earnings, so the question is, have the buyers come back? First, the resistance of about $284.25 needs to be cleared by the buyers. If weakness continues, we are looking for the $279.40 area as support.

****VXX – The VXX chart is looking for a crack in the ceiling to slip through. The last three days the VXX has attempted a relief rally but stopped by major moving averages and price resistance.

Focus Trading Education

Candlesticks • Price Action • T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trend • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Trade Planning, Fibonacci, Stoch/RSI

Subscription PlansPrivate 2-Hour Coaching


This is not your usual service that sends out a ton of stock recommendations, and then cherry picks the winners to show you how great they are. Hit and Run Candlesticks and Right Way Options are truly educational services. They taught me how to trade not what to trade. The entire team: Rick, Doug, Steve, and Ed are there to help and answer your questions. They are awesome. They cut years off my learning curve. And it’s a team effort. Everyone in the room (all the members) are there to help with invaluable insights and advice. The only service you will ever need. Thanks to all the team for how you have helped me and for all you do. –Jonathan Bolnick

Rare to have a service teach you how they find their choices but, HRC/RWO teach you how to fish instead of fishing for you. And, your ideas are not panned but shared, implemented, or improved. Sharing is caring. –Thomas Bradly



Past performance is not indicative of future returns

Investing and Trading involve significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks Inc, Right Way Option, Trader Vision 2020 or Rick Saddler, Doug Campbell, Ed Carter, Steve Risner is to be considered financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service.

Rick Saddler, Doug Campbell, Ed Carter, Steve Risner is not a licensed financial adviser nor do they offer trade recommendations or advice to anyone.