June 5, 2018 e-Learning Trading Psychology

Member e-Learning June 5, 2018

Psychological Boost

Member e-Learning from June 5, 2018.  In this session, Doug Campbell covered Trading Psychology,  the Psychology behind Price Action and treating trading like a business.


Candlesticks • Price Action • T-Line • T-Line Bands • Support • Resistance • Trend • Trendlines • Chart Patterns • Buy Box • Volatility Stops • Profit Zones • Entry Zones • Protective Stops • RBB Rounded Bottom Breakout Strategy • Pop Out of The Box Strategy • Pinball Strategy • Trade Planning, Fibonacci, Stoch/RSI



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Investing and Trading involves significant financial risk and is not suitable for everyone. No communication from Hit and Run Candlesticks or it’s associates should be considered as financial or trading advice. All information is intended for Educational Purposes Only. Terms of Service

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