Trade Ideas August 26, 2014

Today’s Swing Trade Idea

NEO (Healthcare Sector Diagnostic and Research) NEO was a featured trade idea on August 18 and continues to look bullish coming from a doji bullish engulf and morning star reversal signal followed by a T-Line run/consolidation and looks poised for the $5.90 area and then the $6.20 area.

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How to Read a Candlestick Chart

You’ve lit dozens of candles over the years, I’ll bet: birthday candles on top of frosted cakes, scented candles to mask unpleasant odors, decorative candles during the holidays, and maybe even purely utilitarian candles when your electricity was out and you couldn’t find a flashlight. Picture the shape of a candle in your head. There’s the body, which is typically cylindrical in shape (boxy from the side), and there is a slender wick, which extends from the top. Keep that basic shape in mind, because today we’re learning how to read a candlestick chart.

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