rounded bottom breakout pattern

Rounded Bottom Breakout Pattern

NEW YORK (TheStreet) — One of my favorite chart patterns is called the rounded bottom breakout pattern. The pattern was introduced to me by candlestick analyst Rick Saddler, who also coined the term “rounded-bottom breakout.” Rick also defined the criteria for the breakout. Once you know what to look for, it is very easy to spot and can be entered into any chart software scanner.

In order to find such a pattern in your charts, plot them with the 20-day simple moving average, the 34-day exponential moving average, 50-day simple moving average and the 200-day simple moving average.
Once you have these moving averages on your chart, the breakout is very easy to spot. I also plot the 8-day exponential moving average or t-line.
The t-line isn’t needed to spot the breakout, but it is useful in choosing an exit point once you are in a trade.

  1. The chart needs to be a downtrend, and the longer the downtrend, the better. The 20-day SMA is below the 34-day EMA, which is below the 50-day SMA, which is below the 200-day SMA. This is a clear downtrend.
  2. There should be a bottom formed, such that the chart is trading sideways, forms a double bottom, and has clearly reached its low. Then you want the price action to come above the 50-day SMA, thereby causing the 20-day SMA, the 34-day EMA, and the 50-day SMA to cross over to be on top of each other from being below each other.
  3. The actual trigger is when the stock price, the 20-day SMA and the 34-day EMA cross above the 50-day SMA. Usually, the price is first to close above the 50-day SMA.
  4. The breakout occurs when there is confirmation of a trend reversal, a price close above the 50-day simple moving average, and when the 20-day SMA and the 34-day EMA cross over the 50-day SMA.
  5. Ideally, you want the price action and the 50-day SMA to be at least 10% below the 200-day SMA. The larger the percentage below the 200 SMA, the greater the gain potential. This will occur in a solid downtrend.
  6. The main target in a rounded-bottom breakout is the 200-day simple moving average since that is likely the next resistance level. There may be a more compelling target, depending on the individual chart, but in most cases, the 200-day SMA is the best target. In a chart that is in a long-term downtrend, you may want to look for a lower target, such as strong resistance levels that occur before the 200-day SMA.

More About the (RBB) Pattern

The RBB pattern is a favorite of both Rich and members of Hit and Run Candlesticks, in the member’s area of the website you can find more information trading the RBB such as the trading rules and a few scans to find the setup.

107 Page no BS E-book describes everything you need to know about the RBB strategy.
Comes with 3 videos as well. Click Here for more information.

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