Successful Trader’s Handbook


YOU can be the best trading coach for you. All it takes is knowing who you want to be as a trader and taking the right action. Who best to learn from? Successful traders of course!


With the “Successful Trader’s Handbook” you explore the habits of successful traders and discover the tools that bring out the best in traders. After all, trading is more than sitting at a computer and pressing buttons. Developing the right mindset for trading and adopting the routines of successful traders are the most important aspects in achieving trading success.

Turn mediocre trading performance into a consistently profitable trading business with the “Successful Trader’s Handbook” by Rick Saddler of Hit & Run Candlesticks.

Demand the best in you!


In the “Successful Trader’s Handbook” Rick presents detail on:

  • The Habits of Successful Traders
  • Developing the Right Mindset for Trading
  • Developing a Daily, Weekly and Monthly Routine
  • Documenting Your Trades along with a sample Trade Worksheet
  • Organizing Your Trading Records for Tax Purposes
  • Designing Your Office for Trading


Be Your Own Coach and “Demand the Best in You”!

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