Morning Video Posted at 8:21 AM EDT

Good morning everyone.

This has been one amazing week.  If you’re like me you are so happy to have the election behind us and the market moving again with and abundance of bullish energy.  I’m now expecting some very good trading ahead of us at least through the end of the year.

With the market having moved so far so fast it would not be out of the question to see some profit taking as we head into the weekend.  However, with the SPY and the IWM still wanting to reach out to new record highs the possibility that the bulls will continue to run still exists.

For me, I will maintain my discipline wait for pullbacks and enter trades where the risk to my stops has been minimized.  I would like to say thank you to all the members of Right Way Options for hanging in there during this tough market.  I can promise you I will be working hard to make sure it was worth the wait.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Trade Wisely,


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