Morning Thought 01-30-17 Posted at 7:37 AM EDT

Good Morning friends and Happy Monday!

I hope this note finds you all happy, healthy, rested and ready to kick off another week of trading.  We have a lot going on this week with earnings really ramping up and some the heavy hitters such as AAPL and AMZN reporting this week.  We also have FOMC minutes and the big employment report to deal with this week which truly makes anything possible.

Futures this morning are looking lower seeming to show disappointment in the president’s travel ban.  Weekends always seem to have an element of danger to them because you just never know what might happen while the market is closed.  This is a good example as to why I don’t like loading up on stocks on a Friday and favor taking profits and cleaning up the portfolio ahead of a weekend.

We have a couple report on the economic calendar this morning but personally, I doubt very much that they will really move the market very much unless they are a big surprise.  There are 68 companies reporting today so be mindful of that making sure you check reporting dates before making a purchase adding new risk.

Have an awesome day!

Trade Wisely,


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