I have been an investor and trader since the early 1980s and have been trading full time since 2009. My investing/trading strategies include:
Core Trading – Hold times of several weeks to a year or more.
Swing Trading – Trading with hold times of two to three days to several weeks.
Day Trading – Very short-term trades, usually in and out on the same day.
Futures Trading – Intra-day trading of e-mini futures for S&P. Dow and Crude Oil
My Style
My strategies are based on price and patterns. Unlike some others, I also augment these with “secondary” indicators such as StochasticsRSI and moving averages. These work in all time frames, so I find that I only have to make minor adjustments when moving from core to swing to day trading.
I am often asked the question, “If you are so good at trading, why do you need to teach others?” First, I find teaching to be fun. I meet new people and enjoy the idea of helping others to be successful. Secondly, by having to explain to others the “what,” “why” and “how” of trading, I find that my own trading improves.
For day trading, I find that trading on news events such as earnings to be very profitable. While some traders avoid trading gaps or think all gaps should be “faded,” I will teach you how to qualify gaps to know which ones should be bought, which ones should be sold and which ones we should just walk away from.
“But Steve, how can you help me? I can’t trade because I have a “day job,” or I only have money in a retirement account.” No problem, we have ways to help you to be active in the markets in any situation. I too traded while I had a “day job” and can show you how you can trade without having to sit in front of the computer full time.
The coaching session will be one-on-one using online conferencing that allows two-way conversation as well as screen-sharing so you will understand every key point. There will always be a free pre-session consultation to discuss your particular needs and goals so we can tailor a program that fits your specific needs.
Coaching services include but are not limited to:
Development of a trading plan
My favorite chart patterns and how to find and trade them
Trade management including entries, exits, stops, etc.
Schedule your private coaching with Steve
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, let’s talk.
There is a free consultation prior to the first coaching session to ensure we’re a good fit
Private online training room using Skype or phone.