Back to the Basic’s E-Learning 7-21-18

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”left” headline=”Option%20Basic’s%20Members%20E-Learning%207-21-18″ alignment=”center”]In this E-Learning session we went back to basics of Options.  To be a good options trader you first have to build a strong foundation.  Even for an old options trader like me it never hurts to go back and review the basics!



[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”″]Option Basics E-Learning 7-21-18[/button_2]

General Session E-Learning

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”right” headline=”” alignment=”center”]A General Session where we covered the current market condition, charts of interest and answering member questions.

[/img_text_aside] [button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=””]General Session E-Learning replay[/button_2]

Technical Analysis of Price Action

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”left” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this E-Learning session we covered the process of identifying support, resistance and trend.  How to mark up charts so the the trades come to you rather than you chasing the trade.


The Awesome Ratio Spread – E-learning

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”left” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this E-learning we covered the various ways to use the Ratio Spread or the Ratio Back Spread.  We also cover how to analyse and manage the position.  This is a strategy for intermediate to advanced options traders.  It would be wise to Paper trade this position until and fully understand it before entering live trades.


Dive into the Details

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”left” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this E-learning session we dove into the details of planning a trade.  Risk, reward, targets are covered for stock and option directional trades.


Compare and Contrast Option Strategies

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”right” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this E-Learning session we analyzed several option strategies to see how they can be very much the same or how they differ depending on the setup and tolerance to risk a trader might have.  We also covered how understanding the rights and obligations of options contracts has help you easily build any option position.


Planning an Options Trade

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”right” headline=”Planning%20Options%20Trades” alignment=”center”]In this E-Learning class we go over the details of planning and options trade utilizing the price action of the chart.  Know your risk and your potential reward before you enter a position.


[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=””]Planning Options Trades Video Replay[/button_2]

Reading Price Action

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”right” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this Public E-Learning session we talked about reading price action.  We covered support, resistance, trend, price action, rules, finding low risk entries, aggressive entries, Volatility Stop, moving averages plus much more.


E-Learning with DFW Trading Group

[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”” image_alignment=”right” headline=”” alignment=”center”]We covered a several topics in this longer than normal E-Learning session.  We were joined by the DFW Trading Group.  I hope you find this class very useful.
