Long Put Options – Directional Strategy
In this E-Learning call we dive into the Long Put Option Directional Strategy details. We also cover the trade setup and the chart patterns that produce high probability directional put positions.

In this E-Learning call we dive into the Long Put Option Directional Strategy details. We also cover the trade setup and the chart patterns that produce high probability directional put positions.
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/open-session-thumbnail.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this general session we covered the current market conditions and answered member questions. There was a lengthy discussion on directional call and put trading and the rules we use trade them.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/lr31f5_v_JA”]E-Learning – Open Session – 11-17-18 Replay Video[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/sp.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”” alignment=”center”]Special session where we talked about short-term trading and following a simple plan.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/eXCyexZwFFc”]Special Session – Short-Term Trading Video[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Call-options-thumbnail.jpg” image_alignment=”right” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this E-Learning session we drilled into the details of planning Call Options trades, placing them and managing them in a disciplined way.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/93T2VwSslJA”]Call Options – Trade Planning – E-Learning Replay[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Long-Call-Thumbnail.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this E-Learning session we take a focused deeper dive into the Direction Strategy of Long Call Options.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/kaD0WITxYT8″]Long Call Options – Directional Strategy – E-Learning Replay Video[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Heikin-Ashi-Thumbnail.png” image_alignment=”right” headline=”” alignment=”center”]In this E-Learning session, I show you how trading Heikin-Ashi Candles can help traders achieve better results while at the same time feeling more comfortable in the position.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/_SXw4FhUjIA”]Trading Heikin-Ashi Candles E-learning Video[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”http://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Position-Trading-Follow-Up-thumbnail.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”” alignment=”center”]A follow up to the position trading class to answer member question and take a deeper dive into the details.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s336d1686f0e4a929″]Position Trading Follow Up – Members E-Learning Video Replay[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”http://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Position-trading-thumbnail.jpg” image_alignment=”right” headline=”” alignment=”center”]This E-Learning session is all about Position Trading and longer term holds. How to find them, trade them and bring balance to your overall portfolio.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-sa9e6ab911054bc0b”]Finding Balance with Position Trading E-learning Replay Video[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”http://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Price-Acton-Thumbnail.jpg” image_alignment=”left” headline=”Reading%20Price%20Action%20-%20Uncovering%20the%20clues%20for%20better%20result%24%208-18-18″ alignment=”center”]In this Public E-Learning session we dove into price action and how to effectively trade trends for better results. Price is always giving us clues and marking up a chart with support, resistance and trend can help you find those tasty profits your looking for.
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/K7ZTHAxnwok”]Reading Price Action and Uncovering Clues for Better Results Video[/button_2]
[img_text_aside style=”1″ image=”http://hitandruncandlesticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Managing-Positions-Based-on-Price-Action-Thumbnail.jpg” image_alignment=”right” headline=”Managing%20Positions%20Based%20on%20Price%20Action%208-4-18″ alignment=”center”]In this session we cover how we can better manage and even enhance positions by focusing on price action. It requires a bit more focus but, Hey, we all want to get the most out of a trade. Right!
[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://youtu.be/SEOJa4zhAAo”]Managing Positions Based on Price Action Video[/button_2]