[img_alert image=”https%3A%2F%2Fhitandruncandlesticks.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2FEmail-Globe-Header-2.png”]

Ahead of the weekend with the uncertainty of North Korea I want to take a trip to the bank with some profits.  I plan to close the PYPL position for better than a 20% gain and will close half of my stock position on BRK/B.

There is nothing wrong with either position so if you feel comfortable holding them through the weekend that is certainly understandable.  Just adjust your stop and allow the trade to work.

[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s15e05381b7446c7a”]Trade Alert Video[/button_2]

[images style=”0″ image=”https%3A%2F%2Fhitandruncandlesticks.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2FEmail-Globe-Header.png” width=”1200″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]

Trade Update on KO

The KO position is working out great for us.  Currently, we are about 38%.  If you like the profit please feel free the take the nice gain.

In the live session, I suggested Selling the OCT 47 Calls for those that want to hold on to the KO trade.  We collected 0.38 a share which is basically a 10% gain on the original KO purchase.  If we get called away, Sweet!  If we don’t that works nicely for us as well.

Do not make this trade unless you are already own the long position on KO!


Trade Alert

A new Trade Alert for PYPL for your evaluation and consideration.  The market is still a bit spooky so plan accordingly.

[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s2e41940ce604f0bb”]Trade Alert Video[/button_2] [button_2 color=”blue” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s338e828e77549cd8″]Trade Worksheet[/button_2]



New Trade

Today During the live session we entered a new trade in MSFT using a weekly chart.  The trade is still viable for an entry. 8-30-17

Buy the JAN 2018 67.5 Call Options, best possible price.  Initial Stop was set at $70.15.  Manage as you see fit.

The goal will be to sell calls against the trade if MSFT makes a move higher.  I will be managed on a weekly chart at least for now.

Trade Alert 8-15-17

[images style=”0″ image=”https%3A%2F%2Fhitandruncandlesticks.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F08%2FEmail-Globe-Header-1.png” width=”1200″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]

A new trade alert for a directional trade in X for your evaluation and consideration.  Due to the condition of the market, I suggest trading it small if you do decide to trade.

[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-sf21c5d863f34d7f9″]Trade Alert video[/button_2] [button_2 color=”blue” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s311a6be503a427fb”]Trade Details Sheet[/button_2]



RWO Trade Alert 7-13-17

With C reporting earnings before the market opens tomorrow I suggest taking profits on the trade to avoid the risk. I would like to have held the trade through earnings but there is just not enough cushion in profits to hold it. You should realize about 20% gain in the trade. Well done!