Trade Alert

Good Morning team, its Christmas in June!

Gift of the Huge GapYesterday afternoon we took a position on QCOM and it’s gaping up nicely this morning.  I will be watching it closely after the open and may close the position.  Remember gaps are gifts and I don’t know about you but I kind of like opening gifts!  Congrats everyone.

Remember all trade ideas are for your evaluation and consideration.

Trade Alert

Good Afternoon team.

During the live session today we added an new trade in GE.  As I told everyone in room we might be just a little early into this position but with the market showing bullishness it seemed like a good time.  This is a rounded bottom breakout pattern that I want to build into a longer term Fig Leaf position.

If your interested consider the GE Jan 2019 13 strike calls.  They have huge open interest and a very tight bid/ask spread.  Consider placing the initial stop at or below $13.67.  We will look to sell calls against this position if the GE can move higher.

I don’t expect this trade to be fast moving.

Remember all trade ideas are for your evaluation and consideration.

Trade Alert

Good Afternoon team.

Remember everyone INTC reports today after the bell.  I you don’t feel comfortable holding through earnings then plan to close the position for a small gain.  However, if you are interested in holding the position you could consider buying an out of the money May Put to hedge the position.  Think of it as insurance.  If INTC moves up after earnings sell the Put in the morning at the open.  If it goes down there will be further instructions tomorrow.

New Trade Idea

XLU is breaking out today in an RBB type pattern.  I would not expect this to be a fast mover so we want to give it plenty of time.  Consider the June or the July 49 Call for a straight directional trade. Consider an initial stop at $50.00.  If the ETF moves up for us we my looking at selling calls against the position at a later date.


Remember all trade ideas are for your evaluation and consideration.

Member Trade Idea

Good Morning team.

The market is looking a little stretched so decide if you want to even consider an new positions carefully.  Having said that I really like the setup on M.  Consider buying the May 27 Calls to begin a directional trade.  We may leg into a debit or calendar spread later.  Initial stop loss at $28.10.


Remember all trade ideas are for your evaluation and consideration.