When you enter the trading world, you will find that there are many different strategies. It can be confusing until you figure out what type of trader you want to be. The process of determining what kind of trader you want to be depends a lot on your personality, time commitment, account size and skill level. In this article, we present an overview of day trading vs. swing trading so you can begin to explore what is right for you.
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In the days of yore, there were fur traders, spice traders, and textile traders, amongst others. These days, you’re more likely to run into a day trader, swing trader, or scalp trader. The question is: do you know how to distinguish between these different types of traders? If not, have no fear! Today we’re looking at swing trading vs. scalp trading. We’ll compare some of their pros and cons, giving you a glimpse into the world of investing. And if you’re interested in trading, this quick analysis might help you decide which type of trading best suits your personality and talents. Swing trading vs. scalp trading: let’s get started!
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So you want to be a swing trader… Although swing trading isn’t as easy as swinging at the playground, if you start with the basics and learn some tried-and-true investment strategies, you can turn your swing trading goals into tangible profits. It all starts with our swing trading tips for beginners. As you learn how to read stock charts, how to react to movements and patterns, and how to know which risks are worth taking, you will gain confidence in your new found skills and knowledge. Scroll down to learn some basic swing trading tips for beginners.
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What is triple witching: a day, a time, a curse? In fact, despite its witchy name, triple witching refers to an important event in the world of stocks and investments that happens four times each year. On the third Friday of March, June, September, and December, the contracts for stock index futures, stock index options, and stock options all expire at the same time: a triple witching. This daylong event, which is sometimes referred to as “Freaky Friday,” is an important day for short-term investors because the markets tend to be turbulent and unpredictable, shifting erratically as traders attempt to offset their orders before the closing bell rings.
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What are Japanese candlesticks? No, we’re not talking about candlesticks made in Japan. We’re talking about a method of communicating investment information on a price chart over an established period of time. Many people find that Japanese candlesticks are an easier way to interpret information as opposed to traditional investment charts. Each candlestick represents a period of time and when you consider the candlestick’s body, wicks, and color, you can understand the price information and use it to make smart investment decisions. Still wondering, “What are Japanese candlesticks?” Read on to learn more.
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