Right Way Options Trade Alert

[img_alert image=”https%3A%2F%2Fhitandruncandlesticks.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F10%2FVideo-Globe-Logo-2-1024×200.png”]

A new trade in MU for your evaluation and consideration.  This trade was taken during the Live Session but is still a great entry in the position.  Below is the Trade Sheet that lays out the details of the trade.  I will add the trade video as soon as possible.

[button_2 color=”green” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s019fdcc4a77416ba”]Trade Details Sheet[/button_2] [button_2 color=”blue” align=”center” href=”https://hitandruncandlesticks.sharefile.com/d-s2095603dc424452b”]Trade Alert Video[/button_2]

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