Trade Alert

Good Afternoon team.

Today in the live session we made a trade adjustment and added a new position.

First our trade in INTC dropped on an analysts downgrade.  If you closed the entire position there is no problem with that at all.  However, to modify the trade we turned out 60 strike short call into a Bear Call Spread buy buying the 65 strike AUG Call.  Then we sold the JAN19 long call position to capture a gain. $494.85 overall gain.

HD is consolidating and holding up very well.  To take advantage of that consider the SEP 190 Calls to begin a directional position.  We will wait for the stock to move and then consider selling calls against the trade.  Initial stop was set at $196.90.  Keep in mind this may a early on the entry so you can choose to wait for follow-through price action.

Remember all trade ideas are for your evaluation and consideration.


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