Morning Video 10-7-16 Posted at

Good morning everyone. It’s Friday!  Today we finally get the employment situation number and will any luck we will see the market pick a direction  and finally break out of this chop.  After the number is released we will likely see some very wild trading in the futures that could flip directions several times before settling down.  I’m expecting a gap open that could be pretty big so I will just sit quietly and watch the amateurs duke it out for awhile before making any big decisions on positions.

In my option, the worst thing that could happen today would be having the market  remain stuck and we would have to look forward to yet another week of small range chop.  Keep in mind there are 4 Fed members speaking today so if the number is a surprise in either direction plan on them chiming on interest rate talk.

Keep in mind that Monday is Columbus Day and although the markets will be open banks and other institutions will be closed.  Volumes could be very light as a result and it might be a good day to jut go fishin’.  Have a fantastic weekend my friends.

Trade Wisely,


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